Massimo Reverberi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Phytochemical analysis and biological activities of the aerial parts of Odontites vulgaris Moench FITOTERAPIA 2024
The CRZ1 transcription factor in plant fungi: regulation mechanism and impact on pathogenesis MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS 2024
Assessment of Fatty Acid and Oxylipin Profile of Resprouting Olive Trees Positive to Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca in Salento (Apulia, Italy) PLANTS 2024
Biocontrol of Occurrence Ochratoxin A in Wine: A Review TOXINS 2024
Diplodia seriata isolated from declining olive trees in Salento (Apulia, Italy): pathogenicity trials give a glimpse that it is more virulent to drought-stressed olive trees and in a warmth-conditioned environment PLANTS 2024
Experimental-theoretical study of laccase as a detoxifier of aflatoxins SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2023
Effects of Climate Change on the Distribution of Fusarium spp. in Italy Social Science Research Network 2023
Identification and characterization of Neofusicoccum stellenboschiana in branch and twig dieback-affected olive trees in Italy and comparative pathogenicity with N. mediterraneum JOURNAL OF FUNGI 2023
The Neolithic site “La Marmotta”. DNA metabarcoding to identify the microbial deterioration of waterlogged archeological wood FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2023
The Effect of Mushroom Culture Filtrates on the Inhibition of Mycotoxins Produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus carbonarius TOXINS 2023
Analysis of Italian isolates of Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii and development of a real-time PCR-based diagnostic method FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2023
A chestnut-hemp type-II sourdough to improve technological, nutritional, and sensory properties of gluten-free bread INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY 2023
Sustainable use of citrus waste as organic amendment in orange orchards SUSTAINABILITY 2023
Biogenic calcium carbonate as evidence for life BIOGEOSCIENCES 2023
Microbiological survey in hypogeal environments, assessing the bacterial and fungal metabolic role in biodegradation Abstract book - The Geoscience paradigm: Resources, Risks and future perspectives 2023
Combined use of Trametes versicolor extract and sourdough fermentation to extend the microbiological shelf-life of baked goods LEBENSMITTEL-WISSENSCHAFT + TECHNOLOGIE 2023
Sviluppo di nanosistemi sostenibili per l’incapsulamento di oli essenziali e dei loro principi attivi per la conservazione dei beni culturali di origine lignea NATURAL 1 2023
Light-Stress Response Mediated by the Transcription Factor KlMga2 in the Yeast Kluyveromyces lactis Microbial Stress Responses: Antioxidants, the Plasma Membrane, and Beyond 2022
Mass spectrometry-based targeted lipidomics and supervised machine learning algorithms in detecting disease, cultivar, and treatment biomarkers in Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca-infected olive trees FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 2022
Fungal and bacterial oxylipins are signals for intra- and inter-cellular communication within plant disease FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 2022


  • LS1_5
  • LS2_6
  • LS2_10
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  • LS6_5
  • LS6_9
  • LS8_2
  • LS8_5
  • LS9
  • LS9_4
  • LS9_5
  • LS9_7
  • LS9_9
  • PE4_5
  • PE6_13
  • PE7_5


  • Big data & computing
  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
  • Micro/nano electronics & photonics
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

strategie sostenibili per il controllo di agenti patogeni di piante ad interesse alimentare

sensori portatili per la diagnosi di patogeni di piante ed alimenti

bioinformatica per la caratterizzazione dei microbiomi

metabolomica dell'interazione ospite-patogeno

caratterizzazione di microrganismi deteriogeni dei beni culturali

metodi analitici per i contaminanti alimentari


agri-food products
agronomy and crop science
plant pathogen interaction
Amorphous silicon photosensor
Bioinformatics tool
antimicrobial agents
cultural heritage diagnostic

Laboratori di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma