Tullia Valeria Di Giacomo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Miyawaki Micro-Forests for the Mediterranean Cities: a test in Rome Urban Area International Synposium: Miyawaki Forests and Urban Forests. Towards the creation of Miyawaki Forests as nature Labs in schools 2024
Spaces and initiatives along the river Aniene Waterfront Dialectics. Rome and its Region Facing Climate Change Impacts 2023
Between green areas and built-up space: climatic adaptation strategies through the Aniene River Corridor URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2022
Climate Changes in Water Challenges: a “Porous” and Collaborative Design to Create New Regenerative Landscapes Climate Change and Creative Solution for Cities 2021
Strumenti per la nuova agenda urbana PLANUM 2020
Climate Change in urban water system challenges: towards an integrated anticipatory planning approach Post-Oil City. Planning for Urban Green Deals 2020
Infrastrutture verdi inclusive. Strategie di sviluppo partecipativo per valorizzare e riconnettere la Riserva Naturale della Valle dell’Aniene e il Parco di Aguzzano a Roma URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI 2020
Esplorazioni Dalla casa al paesaggio. Edilizia residenziale pubblica e mutamenti dell'abitare a Roma 2019
Implementing GIS technology. A spatial decision support system tool to study the impacts of land uses TEMA 2018
Providing clean water to rural villages Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions. Proceedings of Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-1) 2018
La gestione del ruscellamento per la trasformazione sostenibile dell’uso del suolo PLANUM 2017
Sprawl matters: the evolution of fringe land, natural amenities and disposable income in a Mediterranean urban area ENVIRONMENT, DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2017
Tools and Methods to Reclaim the Value of Water Resources in Peripheral Areas UNISCAPE EN-ROUTE INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR RECOVERING RIVER LANDSCAPES 2016
Interactivity of webgis for the simulation of land development TEMA 2015

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