Lucia Mori


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Urbanization in the Central Sahara in Garamantian times. A look form the South ORIGINI 2019
The Malatya plain in the network of interregional relations in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages Arslantepe. Proceedings of the 1. International archaeology symposium 2019
Recent Late Chalcolithic and Iron Age discoveries at Arslantepe. The 2017-2018 campaigns The archaeology of Anatolia, Volume III. Recent discoveries (2017-2018) 2019
Collapse or transformation? Regeneration and innovation at the turn of the first millennium BC at Arslantepe, Turkey ANTIQUITY 2018
Domestic and communal cooking at the dawn of urbanization in greater Mesopotamia and the specialization of bread production SCIENZE DELL'ANTICHITÀ 2018
How difficult? Mountain roads and pathways reaching ancient Melid (Malatya) in south-eastern Anatolia. A reconsideration STUDI MICENEI ED EGEO-ANATOLICI 2018
Domestic and communal cooking at the dawn of urbanisation in Greater Mesopotamia and the specialisation of bread production SCIENZE DELL'ANTICHITÀ 2018
Garamantes Encyclopaedic dictionary of Phoenician culture. 1. Historical characters 2018
Book Review: L. Turri, "Vieni lascia che ti dica di altre città" STUDIA EBLAITICA 2018
Defense, Justice, Identity: the Function of City Gates in the Land of Ashtata During the Late Bronze Age Les rites aux portes. Rituals at Doors, actes du colloque... 2-3 mai 2014, 2017
Shubat-Enlil e il paese di Apum. The Yale Tell Leilan Project 2017
Bread in Prehistory. Looking for the path of an extraordinary invention Bread. An interdisciplinary perspective 2017
Domestic firing activities and fuel consumption in a Saharan oasis. Micromorphological and archaeobotanical evidence from the Garamantian site of Fewet (Central Sahara, SW Libya) JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS 2017
Searching for the Garamantian emerald. Reconsidering the green-colored stone beads trade in the ancient Sahara CANADIAN MINERALOGIST 2017
Essere mogli e madri nella Siria del Tardo Bronzo HENOCH 2016
Paesaggi agrari e scelte alimentari. Orzo e sesamo nella Mesopotamia del bronzo antico RIVISTA DI STORIA DELL'AGRICOLTURA 2016
"The King at the Gate". Monumental fortifications and the rise of local elites at Arslantepe at the end of the 2nd millennium BCE ORIGINI 2016
Donne d'Oriente. Voci e volti di donne dal Mediterraneo orientale HENOCH 2016
Conformazione storico-geografica Archeologia della Mesopotamia antica 2015
Atarantes et Garamantes du Fezzan (Sahara Libyen). La naissance du premier royaume saharien au 1er millénaire av. J.C. Massinissa, au coeur de la consécration du premier Etat Numide 2015

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