Alessandro Moirano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Jupiter's hotspots as observed by JIRAM-Juno. Limb darkening in thermal infrared MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 2024
First Observations of CH 4 and Spatially Resolved Emission Layers at Jupiter Equator, as Seen by JIRAM/Juno JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. PLANETS 2023
Modelling the Io Plasma Torus and Application to the Variability of the Io Footprint Position observed by Juno-JIRAM EGU General Assembly 2023 2023
The Io, Europa, and Ganymede Auroral Footprints at Jupiter in the Ultraviolet: Positions and Equatorial Lead Angles JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SPACE PHYSICS 2023
Variability of the Auroral Footprint of Io Detected by Juno‐JIRAM and Modeling of the Io Plasma Torus JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SPACE PHYSICS 2023
Salts and organics on Ganymede???s surface observed by the JIRAM spectrometer onboard Juno NATURE ASTRONOMY 2023
A Comprehensive Set of Juno In Situ and Remote Sensing Observations of the Ganymede Auroral Footprint GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 2022
Morphology of the Io Plasma Torus From Juno Radio Occultations JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SPACE PHYSICS 2021
Morphology of the Auroral Tail of Io, Europa, and Ganymede From JIRAM L-Band Imager JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SPACE PHYSICS 2021
A New Model of Jupiter's Magnetic Field at the Completion of Juno's Prime Mission JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. PLANETS 2021
Modelling the electron density distribution in the Io Plasma Torus using Juno radio occultations EGU General Assembly 2020 2020

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