Alessandro Corsini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Modelling of axial fan and anti-stall ring on a virtual test rig for air performance evaluation Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016
Experimental investigation on double anti-stall ring effects on reversible ventilation fan performance ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition 2016
Modelling of particle transport, erosion and deposition in power plant gas paths Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016 2016
Flow analysis of a wave-energy air turbine with the SUPG/PSPG stabilization and discontinuity-capturing directional dissipation COMPUTERS & FLUIDS 2016
Flow survey of a forward curved blades centrifugal fan for HVAC applications Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016
Computational analysis of wind-turbine blade rain erosion COMPUTERS & FLUIDS 2016
Multivariate KPI for energy management of cooling system in food industry ENERGY PROCEDIA 2016
SUPG/PSPG computational analysis of rain erosion in wind-turbine blades Advances in Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation 2016
Fouling detection in low speed fan using near-field diy sound pressure sensors Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016 2016
Performance analysis of a common-rail Diesel engine fuelled with different blends of waste cooking oil and gasoil ENERGY PROCEDIA 2016
Numerical study on the passive control of the aeroelastic response in large axial fans Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016
Unsteady pressure interaction of an axial flow fan with a stabilization ring in tunnel and metro applications ASME TURBO EXPO: TURBINE TECHNICAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, 2015, VOL 1 2015
Modeling of rain drop erosion in a multi-MW wind turbine Oil and Gas Applications; Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles; Wind Energy 2015
Vegetable oils as fuels in Diesel engine. Engine performance and emissions ENERGY PROCEDIA 2015
Industrial energy management systems in Italy: state of the art and perspective ENERGY PROCEDIA 2015
Assessment of a diagnostic procedure for the monitoring and control of industrial processes ENERGY PROCEDIA 2015
Stall detection using pseudo-acoustic pressure modulation in industrial fans PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 2015
Axial flow fan design experience for a project based turbomachinery class ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition 2015
Unsteady end-wall pressure measurements using near-field diy sensors on fouled fan rotor blade ENERGY PROCEDIA 2015
Pollutant emissions in common-rail diesel engines in extraurban cycle: rapeseed oils vs diesel fuel ENERGY PROCEDIA 2015

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