Franco Lucchese


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A Haptic Nonverbal Cognitive Test for Children and Adolescents With Visual Impairment JOURNAL OF VISUAL IMPAIRMENT & BLINDNESS 2022
Occupation and life satisfaction amongindividuals with mental illness: themediation role of self-reported psychophysiological health PEERJ 2021
Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the satisfaction with life scale in a sample of individuals with mental illness PEERJ 2021
Silver economy una oportunidad de desarrollo CONFINIA CEPHALALGICA 2021
Development and primary validation of the School Health Assessment Tool for Primary Schools (SHAT-PS) PEERJ PREPRINTS 2021
Validation of a general subjective well-being factor using Classical Test Theory PEERJ 2020
Diagnosi e trattamento precoce del declino cognitivo. Ruolo cruciale del medico di famiglia CONFINIA CEPHALALGICA 2020
Emigración y busqueda de la felicidad CONFINIA CEPHALALGICA 2020
Personality and the brain: person-centered approaches Personality and brain disorders 2019
Poor patient awareness and frequent misdiagnosis of migraine: findings from a large transcontinental cohort. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 2019
Memoria, envejecimiento y longevidad CONFINIA CEPHALALGICA 2019
Quando la salute parla italiano. Lingue parlate dai popoli e trasmissione internazionale delle conoscenze scientifiche. Empowerment dei pazienti cefalalgici. CONFINIA CEPHALALGICA 2019
When health speaks Italian. languages spoken by peoples and international transmission of scientific knowledge. Empowerment of patients CONFINIA CEPHALALGICA 2019
Un modelo genetico-ambiental para un estudio prospectivo del estado de salud de los ciudadanos Italianos en la Argentina. Parte 3 - Estadísticas analíticas con enfoque en tipos de enfermedades. CONFINIA CEPHALALGICA 2019
Desarrollo cognitivo y longevidad CONFINIA CEPHALALGICA 2018
Influencia de un programa de aprendizaje socio-emocional sobre la inteligencia emocional autopercibida CONFINIA CEPHALALGICA 2018
Learning Micromanipulation, Part 1: An Approach Based on Multidimensional Ability Inventories and Text Mining. ACTUATORS 2018
Psychosocial interventions in stimulant use disorders: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis of randomized controlled trials RIVISTA DI PSICHIATRIA 2018

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