Fabrizio Consorti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Understanding petri nets in health sciences education. The health issue network perspective Digital Personalized Health and Medicine 2020
The visual art as a learning tool in medical education SENSES & SCIENCES 2020
Sanità 4.0 e medicina delle 4P. Professionisti sanitari e cittadini di fronte all’innovazione “dirompente” 2020
A phenomenological study of italian students’ responses to professional dilemmas. A cross-cultural comparison TEACHING AND LEARNING IN MEDICINE 2019
The sex-specific detrimental effect of diabetes and gender-related factors on pre-admission medication adherence among patients hospitalized for ischemic heart disease: insights from EVA study FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 2019
I test con risposte a scelta multipla nel percorso formativo del medico MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA 2018
Come trasformare un corso d’aula tradizionale in un corso flipped e perché. Esperienza in un corso di metodologia clinica FORM@RE 2018
HIN-Health Issue Network as Means to Improve Case-Based Learning in Health Sciences Education Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2018
Visual thinking strategy (VTS) and art production to improve training and prevent burnout among healthcare students: protocol of a field trial SENSES & SCIENCES 2018
Pain Week. Progetto formativo teorico-pratico per le Facoltà di Medicina, a supporto della legge 38/2010. CONFINIA CEPHALALGICA 2017
Case-based learning. A formal approach to generate health case studies from electronic healthcare records Transforming Healthcare with the Internet of Things 2016
Gozzo multinodulare operato. Il rischio di persistenza o recidiva Gozzo multinodulare operato: il rischio di persistenza o recidiva 2016
Frequency and severity of globus pharyngeus symptoms in patients undergoing thyroidectomy. A pre-post short term cross-sectional study BMC SURGERY 2015
Cultural competent care. Educational needs of junior doctors in palliative care TUTOR 2015
LexMeter. Validation of an automated system for the assessment of lexical competence of medical students as a prerequisite for the development of an adaptive e-learning system FRONTIERS IN ICT 2015
Dai contenuti alle competenze. Strategie formative per i medici del 3° millennio RECENTI PROGRESSI IN MEDICINA 2015

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