Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Nonrelativistic limit of scalar and Dirac fields in curved spacetime | PHYSICAL REVIEW D | 2023 |
Frame dependence of the nonrelativistic limit of quantum fields | PHYSICAL REVIEW D | 2023 |
Minkowski vacuum in Rindler spacetime and Unruh thermal state for Dirac fields | PHYSICAL REVIEW D | 2023 |
Limits to the observation of Unruh radiation via first-quantized hydrogenlike atoms | PHYSICAL REVIEW A | 2023 |
Observing single particles beyond the Rindler horizon | PHYSICAL REVIEW A | 2023 |
Minkowski-Fock states in accelerated frames | PHYSICAL REVIEW D | 2022 |
Nonlinear stability of soliton solutions for massive tensor-multiscalar theories | PHYSICAL REVIEW D | 2021 |
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