Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
CFD simulation of the magnetohydrodynamic flow inside the WCLL breeding blanket module | FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN | 2017 |
Magnetohydrodynamic flow and heat transfer around a heated cylinder of arbitrary conductivity | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES | 2017 |
Thermo-fluid dynamic study of the MHD flow around a cylinder in the case of bounding walls with non-uniform electrical conductivity | Proceedings of CHT-17 ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer May 28-June 1, 2017, Napoli, Italy | 2017 |
Master of Nuclear Engineering graduate in 10/2015 at Sapienza University of Rome. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Energy and Environment graduate in 02/2019 at Sapienza University of Rome. Research Associate (RTD-a) since 12/2019 at Sapienza University of Rome. Main research interests include: liquid metal magnetohydrodynamics, fusion reactor engineering, computational fluid dynamics, system codes, liquid metal thermal-hydraulics, nuclear power for space applications. Author of 20+ papers published in indexed peer-reviewed international journals, 250+ citations (SCOPUS, March 2021).
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