Alessandro Bausi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Beta Samati: discovery and excavation of an Aksumite town ANTIQUITY 2019
Research Project: Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea (Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung RASSEGNA DI STUDI ETIOPICI 2019
The Emergence of Multiple-Text Manuscripts 2019
Tempo e Storia in Africa / Time and History in Africa 2019
‘Tempo e storia’ nella tradizione etiopica cristiana Tempo e Storia in Africa / Time and History in Africa 2019
Composite and Multiple Text Manuscripts: The Ethiopian Evidence One-Volume Libraries: Composite and Multiple-Text Manuscripts 2019
“Bisanzio e il regno di Aksum”: il contributo di Gianfranco Fiaccadori agli studi etiopici (Discorso letto durante la commemorazione tenuta il 13 novembre 2015) Persona, trascendenza e poteri in Africa – Person, transcendence, powers in Africa 2019
A Few Remarks on Hagiographical-Homiletic Collections in Ethiopic Manuscripts MANUSCRIPT CULTURES 2019
Inscriptions from Ethiopia. Encoding Inscriptions in Beta Maṣāḥǝft Crossing Experiences in Digital Epigraphy. From Practice to Discipline 2019
Research Project: ‘Parchment Saints’: The Making of Ethiopian Hagiographic Manuscripts – Matter and Devotion in Manuscript Practices in Medieval and pre-Modern Ethiopia RASSEGNA DI STUDI ETIOPICI 2019
Research Project: A New Edition of the Sociopolitical Amharic Dictionary RASSEGNA DI STUDI ETIOPICI 2019
Research Project: SLAFNET: Slavery in Africa: A Dialogue Between Europe and Africa RASSEGNA DI STUDI ETIOPICI 2019
The philological study of the Eritrean manuscripts in Gǝ‘ǝz: Methods and practices Proceedings of the International Conference on Eritrean Studies, 20-22 July 2016, II 2018
Review of Denis Nosnitsin, Catalogue of Ethiopic Manuscripts. Codices Etiopici, COMDC (Catalogue of Oriental manuscripts, xylographs etc. in Danish collections), 11 (Copenhagen: NIAS Press-Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2018) ORIENTALISTISCHE LITERATURZEITUNG 2018
The enigma of a medieval Ethiopian dynasty of saints and usurpers (review article of Marie-Laure Derat, L’énigme d’une dynastie sainte et usurpatrice dans le royaume chrétien d’Éthiopie du xie au xiiie siècle, Hagiologia, 14 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018) ORIENTALISTISCHE LITERATURZEITUNG 2018
The Recently Published Ethiopic Inscriptions of King Ḥafilā (ΑΦΙΛΑC): A Few Remarks BIBLIOTHECA ORIENTALIS 2018
Review of Abraham J. Drewes and Jacques Ryckmans, Les inscriptions sudarabes sur bois dans la collection de l’Oosters Instituut conservée dans la bibliothèque universitaire de Leiden, Texte révisé et adapté par Peter Stein, édité par Peter Stein et Harry Stroomer (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016) AETHIOPICA 2018
Manuscripts and Archives: Comparative Views on Record-Keeping 2018
Proceedings of the Workshop “Linking Manuscripts from the Coptic, Ethiopian, and Syriac Domain: Present and Future Synergy Strategies”, Hamburg, 23 and 24 February 2018 COMPARATIVE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPT STUDIES BULLETIN 2018
Äthiopien. Geschichte, Kultur, Herausforderungen 2018

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