Alessandro Bausi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Äthiopien. Geschichte, Kultur, Herausforderungen 2018
Translations in Late Antique Ethiopia Egitto crocevia di traduzioni 2018
Review of Ugo Zanetti, Saint Jean, higoumène de Scété (VIIe siècle). Vie arabe et épitomé éthiopien. Édités et traduits par U.Z., Subsidia Hagiographica, 94 (Bruxelles: Société des Bollandistes, 2015) AETHIOPICA 2017
Il Gadla ʾAzqir ADAMANTIUS 2017
Review of Hatem Elliesie, ed., Multidisciplinary Views on the Horn of Africa. Festschrift in Honour of Rainer Voigt’s 70th Birthday, Studien zum Horn von Afrika, 1 (Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 2014) AETHIOPICA 2017
Review of Judith S. McKenzie and Francis Watson, The Garima Gospels: Early Illuminated Gospel Books from Ethiopia, with Preface and Photographs by Michael Gervers and Contributions by Matthew R. Crawford, Linda R. Macaulay, Sarah S. Norodom, Andres T. Reyes, and Miranda E. Williams, Manar al-Athar Monograph, 3 (Oxford: Manar al-Athar, 2016) AETHIOPICA 2017
Ethiopia: History, Culture and Challenges 2017
The earlier Ethiopic textual heritage Scribal Practices and the Social Construction of Knowledge in Antiquity, Late Antiquity and Medieval Islam 2017
Le versioni etiopiche Bibbia: immagini e scrittura nella Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana 2017
Il manoscritto MS 9 III CS della Fondazione Biblioteca Morcelli–Pinacoteca Repossi di Chiari La Biblioteca Morcelliana nel bicentenario della donazione (1817–2017). Studi e ricerche 2017
Aksum, History Ethiopia. History, Culture and Challenges 2017
Етиопски ръкопис [Ethiopic manuscripts], NMH, Ethiop. 1 Опис на ръкописите, старопечатните, редките и ценните издания в Националния Исторически Музей. Catalogue of the manuscripts, old printed, rare and valuable editions at the National Museum of History, II 2017
Zagwe, History Ethiopia. History, Culture and Challenges 2017
Review of Emeri Johannes van Donzel, Ethiopia, Arabia, Islam: A Selection of his Writings, De Goeje Fund, 33 (Leiden: Stichtign De Goeje, 2017) BIBLIOTHECA ORIENTALIS 2017
The History of the Episcopate of Alexandria (HEpA): Editio minor of the fragments preserved in the Aksumite Collection and in the Codex Veronensis LX (58) ADAMANTIUS 2016
Review of Sebastiano Timpanaro, La Genèse de la méthode de Lachmann, Transl. by Aude Cohen-Skalli and Alain Philippe Segonds, L’âne d’or, 51 (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2016) COMPARATIVE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPT STUDIES BULLETIN 2016
‘The accidents of transmission: On a surprising multilingual manuscript leaf. With the edition of the Ethiopic version of two Constantinian epistles (CPG no. 8517, Epistula Constantini imperatoris ad ecclesiam Alexandrinam, and CPG nos 2041 = 8519, Lex lata Constantini Augusti de Arii damnatione) ADAMANTIUS 2016
Review of Aaron Michael Butts, ed., Semitic Languages in Contact AETHIOPICA 2016
The Encyclopaedia Aethiopica and Ethiopian Studies AETHIOPICA 2016
The Accidents of Transmission: On a Surprising Multilingual Manuscript Leaf COMPARATIVE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPT STUDIES BULLETIN 2016

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