Alessia Fassari


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Therapeutic Strategies and Oncological Outcome of Peritoneal Metastases from Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis CURRENT ONCOLOGY 2023
Surgical treatment of elastofibroma dorsi. Personal experience and a review of the literature ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2023
Safety and efficacy of intraperitoneal drain placement after emergency colorectal surgery. An international, prospective cohort study COLORECTAL DISEASE 2023
Definition of learning curve for thyroidectomy: systematic review on the different approaches GLAND SURGERY 2023
Application of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols in adrenal surgery: A retrospective, preliminary analysis 2023
Intraperitoneal drain placement and outcomes after elective colorectal surgery: international matched, prospective, cohort study BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2022
The neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic factor in COVID-19 patients: a case-control study EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2022
Laparoscopic versus Open Total Gastrectomy for Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer. Short and Long-Term Results CURRENT ONCOLOGY 2022
Ultrasound-guided Transversus Abdominis Plane Block is Effective as Laparoscopic Trocar site infiltration in Postoperative Pain Management in Patients Undergoing Adrenal Surgery THE AMERICAN SURGEON 2022
Synchronous liver and peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer: Is cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy combined with liver resection a feasible option? FRONTIERS IN SURGERY 2022
Surgical resection is superior to TACE in the treatment of HCC in a well selected cohort of BCLC-B elderly patients—A retrospective observational study CANCERS 2022
An unusual case of genital filariasis of the testicular tunics in an Italian patient ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE 2021
Trans-vaginal repair of recurrent rectovaginal fistula with interposition of BIO-A Tissue Reinforcement UPDATES IN SURGERY 2021
Preoperative Transcatheter Arterial Embolization and En-Bloc Resection for Giant Non-Functioning Left Adrenocortical Carcinoma: A Case Report SURGICAL CASE REPORTS 2021
Large Retroperitoneal Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Neoplasm (PEComa): A Case Report and a Brief Review SURGICAL CASE REPORTS 2021

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