Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Long-term evolution of the shoreline of the south Lazio region (Italy) littoral cell by combining historical aerial photography and satellite imagery | Innovation in urban and regional planning. Proceedings of INPUT 2023 - Volume 2. Lecture notes in civil engineering | 2024 |
Reduced wave time series for long-term morphodynamic applications | COASTAL ENGINEERING | 2024 |
Influence of the shape of vertical breakwater crownwalls wave overtopping | Atti di XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche | 2022 |
Analisi delle tendenza evolutiva del litorale sabotino | Atti del 37° Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche. - Sottotitolo: Ingegneria delle acque: cambiamenti globali e sostenibilità | 2021 |
Wave induced hydrodynamics field around a long submerged groin: the case of the Latina (Italy) nuclear power plant cooling system intake | ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT | 2020 |
Wave induced hydrodynamic field around the long submerged groin of the Latina(Italy) nuclear power plant | SCACR19 - Proceeding of the 9th Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research - Coastal Zone Strategies under Climate Change: Engineering, Geology, Ecology and Management | 2019 |
Evoluzione morfodinamica a lungo termine dei litorali sabbiosi, in presenza o assenza di opere di difesa costiera
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