Francesca Scipione


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Long-term evolution of the shoreline of the south Lazio region (Italy) littoral cell by combining historical aerial photography and satellite imagery Innovation in urban and regional planning. Proceedings of INPUT 2023 - Volume 2. Lecture notes in civil engineering 2024
Reduced wave time series for long-term morphodynamic applications COASTAL ENGINEERING 2024
Influence of the shape of vertical breakwater crownwalls wave overtopping Atti di XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche 2022
Analisi delle tendenza evolutiva del litorale sabotino Atti del 37° Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche. - Sottotitolo: Ingegneria delle acque: cambiamenti globali e sostenibilità 2021
Wave induced hydrodynamics field around a long submerged groin: the case of the Latina (Italy) nuclear power plant cooling system intake ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2020
Wave induced hydrodynamic field around the long submerged groin of the Latina(Italy) nuclear power plant SCACR19 - Proceeding of the 9th Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research - Coastal Zone Strategies under Climate Change: Engineering, Geology, Ecology and Management 2019


  • PE8_3
  • PE8_4

Interessi di ricerca

Evoluzione morfodinamica a lungo termine dei litorali sabbiosi, in presenza o assenza di opere di difesa costiera


Coastal engineering
Central Tyrrhenian Sea
Breaking waves
Nearshore currents
sediment transport
beach erosion
Numerical Analysis
numerical computations
shoreline extraction

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma