Carlo Esposito


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Pump-and-treat (P&T) vs groundwater circulation wells (GCW): Which approach delivers more sustainable and effective groundwater remediation? ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2023
Reliability assessment of open-source multiscale landslide susceptibility maps and effects of their fusion GEORISK 2023
A novel model for multi-risk ranking of buildings at city level based on open data. The test site of Rome, Italy GEOMATICS, NATURAL HAZARDS & RISK 2023
Optical and Thermal Image Processing for Monitoring Rainfall Triggered Shallow Landslides: Insights from Analogue Laboratory Experiments REMOTE SENSING 2023
Reconstruction of earthquake-induced landslide scenarios though the PARSIFAL approach in the high-seismicity Lake of Campotosto area 6th World Landslide Forum 2023
Development of an integrated 4D system for the management of contaminated site remediation Ecomondo 2023 2023
Data requirements and scientific efforts for reliable large-scale assessment of landslide hazard in urban areas EGUsphere - EGU General Assembly 2022 2022
2D simplified landslide models inferred by statistical analyses on existing landslide databases for multi-hazard analysis: an application to the Campotosto Lake basin (Central Apennines, Italy) EGUSphere - EGU General Assembly 2022
Earthquake-induced reactivation of landslides under variable hydrostatic conditions: evaluation at regional scale and implications for risk assessment LANDSLIDES 2022
Contamination presence and dynamics at a polluted site: Spatial analysis of integrated data and joint conceptual modeling approach JOURNAL OF CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY 2022
Coupled Hydrogeochemical Approach and Sustainable Technologies for the Remediation of a Chlorinated Solvent Plume in an Urban Area SUSTAINABILITY 2022
Remediation of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAHs) contaminated site coupling groundwater recirculation well (IEG-GCW®) with a peripheral injection of soluble nutrient supplement (IEG-C-MIX) via multilevel-injection wells (IEG-MIW) HELIYON 2022
A data-driven modeling approach for the sustainable remediation of persistent arsenic (As) groundwater contamination in a fractured rock aquifer through a groundwater recirculation well (IEG-GCW®) ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2022
Fold architecture predisposing deep-seated gravitational slope deformations within a flysch sequence in the Northern Apennines (Italy) GEOMORPHOLOGY 2021
3D dynamic model empowering the knowledge of the decontamination mechanisms and controlling the complex remediation strategy of a contaminated industrial site SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2021
A field-scale remediation of residual light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL). Chemical enhancers for pump and treat ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2021
Large-scale and deep-seated gravitational slope deformations on mars. A review GEOSCIENCES 2021
Quantitative investigation of a Mass Rock Creep deforming slope through A-Din SAR and geomorphometry Understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk 2021
Integration of satellite-based A-DInSAR and geological modeling supporting the prevention from anthropogenic sinkholes. A case study in the urban area of Rome GEOMATICS, NATURAL HAZARDS & RISK 2021
The potential of spatial statistics for the reconstruction of a subsoil model. A case study for the Firenze-Prato-Pistoia Basin, Central Italy JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 2021


  • PE10_13
  • PE10_14
  • PE10_17
  • PE10_20

Interessi di ricerca

I principali temi su cui è orientata la ricerca sono i seguenti:

  1. Processi di instabilità dei versanti: analisi di suscettibilità e pericolosità da frana, anche in condizioni sismiche
  2. Caratterizzazione, analisi e previsione di processi di instabilità gravitativa a grande scala: D.G.P.V. e grandi frane in roccia
  3. Applicazioni della Geomatica alla Geologia urbana ed ai rischi geologici (multi-hazard e multi-risk)
  4. Studi ed analisi geologico-tecniche e geofisiche per attività propedeutiche alla microzonazione sismica.
  5. Analisi di pericolosità per processi di subsidenza e formazione di collassi improvvisi del suolo (sinkholes)
  6. Modellazione geologica per l’ottimizzazione degli interventi di bonifica dei siti contaminati


engineering geology
3D geological modeling
contaminated sites
earthquake-triggered landslides
landslide monitoring
landslide inventory
landslide forecasting

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma