Carlo Esposito


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
An integrated approach supporting remediation of an aquifer contaminated with chlorinated solvents by a combination of adsorption and biodegradation APPLIED SCIENCES 2019
Integrated approach in the management of a jet fuel contaminated site. The Decimomannu air base (CA, Sardinia) Acquaconsoil 2019. Book of abstracts 2019
The fist completed example in Europe for the remediation of an aquifer contaminated with chlorinated solvents by a combination of adsorption and biodegradation Aquaconsoil 2019. Book of abstracs 2019
Earthquake-induced landslide scenarios obtained through the PARSIFAL approach in the municipality of Accumoli (Italy) Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 2019 2019
Probabilistic approach to provide scenarios of earthquake-induced slope failures (PARSIFAL) applied to the Alcoy Basin (South Spain) GEOSCIENCES 2018
Shallow landslide initiation on terraced slopes. Inferences from a physically based approach GEOMATICS, NATURAL HAZARDS & RISK 2018
Imaging multi-age construction settlement behaviour by advanced SAR interferometry REMOTE SENSING 2018
Preliminary petrographic and volcanological study of “Punta Karuscia-Punta Spadillo” submerged area, Pantelleria Island (Strait of Sicily) 2018
Investigating submerged morphologies by means of the low-budget “GeoDive” method (high resolution for detailed 3D reconstruction and related measurements) ACTA IMEKO 2018
Hydrogeophisycal model of Decimomannu military air base preparatory to the design of a remediation strategy Atti del convegno del 6° congresso nazionale AIGA 2018 2018
Enhancement of biological reductive dechlorination by in situ adsorption onto colloidal activated carbon: from the lab to the full scale application Setac Europe 28th annual meeting abstract book 2018
Multiscale and multidisciplinary approach to support the remediation strategy of the Decimomannu military air base Congresso congiunto SGI-SIMP, abstract book 2018
Unravelling the style and timing of slope-to-channel system morphoevolution in tectonically active landscapes: new insights from the Northern Apennines of Italy. Geophysical Research Abstracts 2018
Potenzialità delle cavità ex-estrattive tra recupero ambientale e nuovi usi: applicazioni nel Parco dell’Appia Antica GEOLOGIA DELL'AMBIENTE 2018
Morpho-structural evolution of the valley-slope systems and related implications on slope-scale gravitational processes. New results from the Mt. Genzana case history (Central Apennines, Italy) GEOMORPHOLOGY 2017
Experimental Landslide Monitoring Site of Poggio Baldi landslide (Santa Sofia, N-Apennine, Italy) Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides 2017
Multisensor landslide monitoring as a challenge for early warning. From process based to statistic based approaches 2017
Assessment of landslide pre-failure monitoring and forecasting using satellite SAR interferometry GEOSCIENCES 2017
Ground effects triggered by the 24th August 2016, Mw 6.0 Amatrice (Italy) earthquake. Surveys and inventoring to update the CEDIT catalogue GEOGRAFIA FISICA E DINAMICA QUATERNARIA 2017


  • PE10_13
  • PE10_14
  • PE10_17
  • PE10_20

Interessi di ricerca

I principali temi su cui è orientata la ricerca sono i seguenti:

  1. Processi di instabilità dei versanti: analisi di suscettibilità e pericolosità da frana, anche in condizioni sismiche
  2. Caratterizzazione, analisi e previsione di processi di instabilità gravitativa a grande scala: D.G.P.V. e grandi frane in roccia
  3. Applicazioni della Geomatica alla Geologia urbana ed ai rischi geologici (multi-hazard e multi-risk)
  4. Studi ed analisi geologico-tecniche e geofisiche per attività propedeutiche alla microzonazione sismica.
  5. Analisi di pericolosità per processi di subsidenza e formazione di collassi improvvisi del suolo (sinkholes)
  6. Modellazione geologica per l’ottimizzazione degli interventi di bonifica dei siti contaminati


engineering geology
3D geological modeling
contaminated sites
earthquake-triggered landslides
landslide monitoring
landslide inventory
landslide forecasting

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma