Post Doctoral Researcher Early Modern History M-Sto/02
Department of Philosphy Sapienza University of Rome
"Connective Identities. Port-Jews in Mediterranean Republics in Early Modern Era from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment".
Current researches:
- Connective Identities. "Port-Jews" in Mediterranean Republics in Early Modern Era
- Social, Economical, Cultural and Political Dinamics of Secularization and Emancipation of Jewish ethnicity in Europe.
- Multitple identities: cross Cultural Studies trading Diasporas of Sephardim and Askenazim in Europe and Mediterranean.
- Historiucal Materialism, Structuralism, Formalism Social Network Analysis and Big data analysis applied to Historical Research
- Ghettos and Ghettoization of Jewish minorities in Europe.
Other research activities:
- Project Member and Research Fellow of the Sapienza Atheneum Reseach Project "Text and Jewish Networks in Europe" (2021) Sapienza University of Rome. Department of Philosophy in Villa Mirafiori. Project prot. n. RM1201729DD78AC9.
- Jews in Abruzzo in Early Modern Era. Fondazione Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia (2021-2022).
- Project Member and Post Doctoral Reseacher Cross-Cultural Exchange along the Silkroad. Eastern Mediterranean and Persia. (2019-2022) RM1181642FC0DD5C
- PI - Principal Investigator of the Atheneum Project "Avvio alla Ricerca 2016-2019" Connecting Cultures Cross-Cultural Trade Network of Sephardim in the Republic of Ragusa (XVI - XVII century) Project prot. n. AR116154C11C3EF
- Developing of Modern Society: Market Economy as actor of cultural, economic and political Levelling and secularist dynamics and developing of secularist Marxism