Federica Pancin


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Nbs-tree and its geographies. Egyptian and Nubian traditions in Graeco-Roman temples BIBLIOTHÈQUE GÉNÉRALE 2023
Scavando nei musei: cinque reperti inediti dal Jebel Barkal Atti del XIX convegno di egittologia e papirologia. Siracusa, 1-4 ottobre 2020 2022
Reading Meroitic art at Jebel Barkal: an introduction to the fundamentals of ‘Meroitisation’ Jebel Barkal. Half a century of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Sudan 2022
The power of colour and the colour of power: plaster and pigments from Palace B1500 Jebel Barkal. Half a century of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Sudan 2022
Apedemak at Napata: archaeology, iconography, and meanings Jebel Barkal. Half a century of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Sudan 2022
Meroitic pottery classification at Jebel Barkal Jebel Barkal. Half a century of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Sudan 2022
New insights on administrative practices at Meroitic Jebel Barkal Jebel Barkal. Half a century of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Sudan 2022
Meroitic painted decoration at Jebel Barkal: the external façades of Palace B1500 SUDAN & NUBIA 2020
Under the lion's shadow. Iconographic evidence of Apedemak in the Meroitic Royal District at Napata Current research in Egyptology 2018. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Symposium, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 25-28 June 2018 2019
Gli intonaci del Palazzo B1500 2019
Anello con sigillo 2019
Cretula figurata con uccello e segno anx 2019
Cretula figurata con Apedemak antropomorfo 2019
Cretula figurata con leoni accovacciati 2019
Cretula iscritta con titolo 'Figlio di Ra' 2019
Cretula stampigliata 2019
Cretula con figura umana 2019
Cretula figurata con bocciolo di loto 2019
Ceramica dipinta con rane 2019
Ceramica dipinta con motivi vegetali e simbolici 2019

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