Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Latin America's Challenge for the Twenty-First Century | Re-Globalization | 2022 |
The future of democracy in Chile | CHALLENGE | 2021 |
In recent years much has been studied about the diseases of democracy: populism, dictatorships, fascism in both the developed and developing world. However, the experts have put less attention into the medicines for these ills. Excessive inequality, unsustainable pension systems, uncontrolled fiscal spending, and the catastrophic Covid-19 pandemic have highlighted the need for painful reforms that will allow for the sustainability of democratic societies in the West.
Based on Mario Monti's reforms in Italy, Bob Hawke's in Australia, and more recently Angela Merkel's in Germany, the aim is to identify the good and bad government communication practices to gain citizenry's adherence politicians to carry out unpopular reforms.
Finally, we will extract and adapt these lessons into two contexts. Firstly, for Latin American governments and their political leaders, whose democracy is fragile. Second, for international relations situations and supranational organizations. Part of the remedy for the democratic crisis may lay there.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma