Romeo Di Pietro


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A survey of landscape planning in Italy, where application is utopia. An updated proposal for a shared landscape analysis model PLANT SOCIOLOGY 2019
Lectotypification of Valeriana celtica, V. saxatilis and V. sibirica (Caprifoliaceae) proposed by Linnaeus TAXON 2019
Genetic and morphological data reveal new insights into the taxonomy of Campanula versicolor s.l. (Campanulaceae) TAXON 2019
Contribution to the floristic knowledge of Velino and Aterno valleys (Lazio-Abruzzo, central Italy) ITALIAN BOTANIST 2019
Contribution to the floristic knowledge of eastern Irpinia and Vulture-Melfese area (Campania and Basilicata, southern Italy) ITALIAN BOTANIST 2019
About the application of the Linnaean name Plantago latifolia (Plantaginaceae) PHYTOTAXA 2019
An inventory of the names of native, non-endemic vascular plants described from Italy, their loci classici and types PHYTOTAXA 2019
An updated checklist of the vascular flora native to Italy PLANT BIOSYSTEMS 2018
A phytosociological analysis of the Brachypodium rupestre (Host) Roem. & Schult. communities of Sicily PLANT SOCIOLOGY 2018
Contribution to the floristic knowledge of the head of the Po Valley (Piedmont, north Italy) ITALIAN BOTANIST 2018
Revision of the central Mediterranean xerothermic cliff vegetation APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE 2018
The intricate nomenclatural questions around plantago holosteum (Plantaginaceae) PHYTOTAXA 2017
Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes on Sesleria sect. Argenteae (Poaceae) PHYTOTAXA 2017
Typification of the Linnaean names Plantago serraria and P. subulata (Plantago subgenus Coronopus, Plantaginaceae) TAXON 2017
A phytosociological investigation on the mixed hemycryptophitic and therophitic grasslands of the Cornicolani mountains (Lazio Region – central Italy) PLANT SOCIOLOGY 2017
Proposal (21): to conserve the name Festucetalia valesiacae Br.-Bl. & Tx. ex Br.-Bl. 1950 against Festucetalia Soó 1940 PHYTOCOENOLOGIA 2017
Revision of the high-altitude acidophilous and chionophilous grasslands of the Apennines (Peninsular Italy), a long-lasting intricate syntaxonomic issue PHYTOCOENOLOGIA 2017
A phytosociological investigation on the mixed hemycryptophitic and therophitic grasslands of the Cornicolani mountains (Lazio Region -central Italy) PLANT SOCIOLOGY 2017
Nomenclatural notes and typifications in campanula versicolor (Campanulaceae) and related names PHYTOTAXA 2017
Proposal (22): to conserve the name Mesobromion erecti (Br.-Bl. & Moor 1938) Oberd. 1957 against the name Bromion erecti W. Koch 1926 PHYTOCOENOLOGIA 2017

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma