Mario Calabrese


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Territory and management science: new insights by the ConsulCubo model INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH 2017
Tourism supply chain & strategic partnerships for managing the complexity in tourism industry ENLIGHTENING TOURISM 2017
Promoting organizational development in the knoiwledge economy:the T-shaped capabilities ESPERIENZE D'IMPRESA 2017
La programmazione comunitaria per lo sviluppo territoriale in ottica sistemico-vitale SINERGIE 2017
The role of loyalty programs in healthcare service ecosystems THE TQM JOURNAL 2017
The viable decision maker for CAS survival: how to change and adapt through fitting process JOURNAL OF SERVICE THEORY AND PRACTICE 2017
Una prospettiva manageriale nel governo e nella gestione dei beni confiscati alle «mafie» Norme, regole e prassi nell’economia dell’antiriciclaggio internazionale 2017
Materiality matrix: a comparison between relevant indicators for banks and stakeholder 20th Excellence in Services International Conference (EISIC) 2017
Firm and territory: theoretical contributions, relationship patterns, case studies Firm and territory: theoretical contributions, relationship patterns, case studies 2017
From individual to organization: the nesting architecture of T- shaped capacities in the knowledge economy Towards a new architecture of knowledge: big data, culture, creativity 2016
Technological and organizational innovation: the enterprise in the era of the network of networks 4th BSLab Symposium Vilnius 2016, “Governing Business Systems: Theories and Challenges for Systems Thinking in Practice”, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, August 24-26, 2016 2016
Going away from the “protocol culture”: innovation, complexity and the need for a culture of variety USA-CHINA BUSINESS REVIEW 2016
Reporting di sostenibilità degli operatori logistici in Europa: analisi degli indicatori ECONOMIA E DIRITTO DEL TERZIARIO 2016
The Economic and Touristic Regeneration of Local Communities through the Long Tail of Events ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF BUSINESS, ADMINISTRATION, LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 2016
A service–system paradigm for governing corporate sustainability: the (forgotten) role of governing body in shaping sustainability and context INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH 2016
Trasformare il pensiero: la matrice dell'evoluzione economica (cap. 3) Leadership in un futuro che emerge. Da ego-sistema a eco-sistema: nuove economie e nuove società 2015
Going away from the “protocol culture”: Innovation, complexity and the need for a culture of variety "Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship:connecting the knowledge dots"-IFKAD 2015-Proceedings 2015
Sustainability reporting degli operatori dei servizi logistici in Europa – prime evidenze empiriche ATTI DEL CONVEGNO SVILUPPO, SOSTENIBILITÀ E COMPETITIVITÀ DELLE AZIENDE: IL CONTRIBUTO DEGLI ECONOMISTI AZIENDALI 2015
Firm and territory: in searching for a sustainable relation. Four cases study from Italian secular firms INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH 2015
Le reti d’imprese: nuovo approccio manageriale per la gestione della complessità sistemica LE RETI D’IMPRESE: NUOVO APPROCCIO MANAGERIALE PER LA GESTIONE DELLA COMPLESSITÀ SISTEMICA 2015


  • SH7_5
  • SH7_7
  • SH7_8
  • SH1_10
  • SH1_11


  • Fabrication & Manufacturing
  • Advanced manufacturing & processing
  • Big data & computing
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

Management, Decision Theory, Business platform, Viable Systems Approach (VSA), Innovation Management, Sustainability, Supply Chain Finance, Fine arts logistic,


Complex-decision making
problem solving
gestione delle innovazioni
analisi strategica
Supply chain finance
supply chain maangement
Business ethics and sustainability
Viable System Approach (VSA)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma