Marzia Friuli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Autophagy and inflammation an intricate affair in the management of obesity and metabolic disorders: evidence for novel pharmacological strategies? FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY 2024
Lipotoxicity of palmitic acid is associated with DGAT1 downregulation and abolished by PPARα activation in liver cells JOURNAL OF LIPID RESEARCH 2024
PDIA3 Expression Is Altered in the Limbic Brain Regions of Triple-Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2023
Anxiety associated with palatable food withdrawal is reversed by the selective FAAH inhibitor PF ‐3845: A regional analysis of the contribution of endocannabinoid signaling machinery INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EATING DISORDERS 2023
An aqueous olive leaf extract ({OLE}) ameliorates parameters of oxidative stress associated with lipid accumulation and induces lipophagy in human hepatic cells FOOD & FUNCTION 2023
"To brain or not to brain": evaluating the possible direct effects of the satiety factor oleoylethanolamide in the central nervous system FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 2023
Chronic oleoylethanolamide treatment decreases hepatic triacylglycerol level in rat liver by a pparγ/srebp-mediated suppression of fatty acid and triacylglycerol synthesis NUTRIENTS 2021
Oleoylethanolamide reduces hepatic oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress in high-fat diet-fed rats ANTIOXIDANTS 2021
Targeting the oxytocinergic system: A possible pharmacological strategy for the treatment of inflammation occurring in different chronic diseases INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2021
Brain histamine and oleoylethanolamide restore behavioral deficits induced by chronic social defeat stress in mice NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 2021
Oleoylethanolamide decreases frustration stress-induced binge-like eating in female rats: a novel potential treatment for binge eating disorder NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2020
Brief daily access to cafeteria-style diet impairs hepatic metabolism even in the absence of excessive body weight gain in rats FASEB JOURNAL 2020
Oxytocin in the neural control of eating: at the crossroad between homeostatic and non-homeostatic signals NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 2020

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