Caterina De Vito


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Variability in pottery production at Khalet al-Jam'a necropolis, Bethlehem (West Bank). From the Early-Middle Bronze to the Iron Age CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2020
A Sardinian early 1st millennium BC bronze axe from Motya VICINO ORIENTE 2020
The Phoenician Red Slip Ware from Sulky (Sardinia-Italy): Microstructure and quantitative phase analysis APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE 2020
How Microanalysis Can Be Discriminant on Black Pompeian Wares CRYSTALS 2020
Investigations on alloy-burial environment interaction of archaeological bronze coins MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2020
When the time stops. The “Grotta dei Cocci” (Terni, Italy) BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO 2020
New insights on medieval Provisini silver coins by a combination of non-destructive and micro-invasive techniques MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2019
Micro-Raman and Provenance Studies: The Case of Levantine Ceramics Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeology and Art History. Volume 2 2019
The application of non-destructive techniques for the study of corrosion patinas of ten Roman silver coins. The case of the medieval Grosso Romanino MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2019
A forgotten centre of ceramic production in Southern Levant: Preliminary analytical study of the Early Bronze Age pottery from Tell el-Far‘ah North (West Bank) CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2019
Ceramic pipes of the Roman aqueduct from Raiano village (L’Aquila, Italy). A technological study CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 2019
Following Phoenician technology through red slip ware artefacts TechnArt 2019 - Book of Abstracts 2019
Roman orichalcum coins: a deep investigation from patina to core 2019
Microstructure and chemical composition of Roman orichalcum coins emitted after the monetary reform of Augustus (23 B.C.) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019
Microstructure and chemical composition of a Sardinian bronze axe of the Iron Age from Motya (Sicily, Italy) MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION 2019
Microstructure and chemical composition of Iron Age archaeological objects from the Phoenician-Punic site of Motya (Sicily, Italy) Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI 2019 2019
Eggshell waste as a valuable resource for cobalt remediation Sardinia 2019 - Symposium book 2019
Ceramic Pipes of the Roman Aqueduct from Raiano Village (L’Aquila, Italy): A technological Study Atti del Convegno "European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC)" 2019
Archaeometric Analysis of Black Paint Potteries from Pompeii Atti del Convegno "European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC)" 2019
Archaeometric analysis on ceramic material from the Khalet al-Jam’a necropolis (Bethlehem, West Bank) Atti del Congresso congiunto AIV, SGI, SIMP e SOGEI “Il tempo del pianeta Terra e il tempo dell'uomo: le geoscienze tra passato e futuro" 2019

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