Barbara Cordella


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Organ donation: A study of its representations among organ procurement coordinators and their staff PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE 2021
Reconsidering the Process of Informed Consent in Assisted Reproductive Technology: Experiences and Implications for Practice PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES 2020
What About Fertility Staff Emotions? An Explorative Analysis of Healthcare Professionals’ Subjective Perspective EUROPE'S JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Giving Voice to Crew Members to Enable an Effective Support Programme: Preliminary Results of IT-APA Support Survey 2020 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR AVIATION PSYCHOLOGY 2020 Proceedings 2020
La rappresentazione della donazione degli organi nel personale sanitario: uno studio tra gli ospedali romani SIPSA 2019
The DAVAd: A narrative tool to explore the early stages of the adoptive bond Family Therapy - New Intervention Programs and Researches 2019
Emotional text mining and health psychology: the culture of organ donation in Spain ASA Conference 2019 - Book od Short Papers Statistics for Health and Well-being 2019
The psychologist Assistive Technology Assessment Handbook 2nd edition 2018
L’infertilità tra individuo e cultura. Le parole per dirlo In-fertilità. Un approccio multidisciplinare 2018
Is the educational culture in Italian Universities effective? A case study JADT’ 18. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on statistical analysis of textual data 2018
“The grief that doesn’t speak”. Text Mining and Brain Structure JADT’ 18, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on statistical analysis of textual data 2018
Infertility and assisted reproduction: legislative and cultural evolution in Italy. Infertilità e procreazione assistita: evoluzione legislativa e culturale in Italia RASSEGNA DI PSICOLOGIA 2018
The Generational Shift in the Family Business: Defining the Condition to Plan the Intervention Idiographic Approach to Health 2018
Informed Consent Conversation in Assisted Reproductive Technologies: a direct experience MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
The culture of organ donation in the italian newspapers Esa rn27 mid-term conference 2018
Lifelong maintenance treatment or “positive” dropout? JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE 2017
Malattia mentale e servizi territoriali: l’esperienza di Trento La costruzione del welfare socio-sanitario 2017
La collaborazione tra il medico di Medicina Generale e lo psicologo: valutazione degli effetti della consulenza in copresenza La costruzione della salute nel welfare socio-sanitario 2017
La mediazione culturale: negoziazione delle pratiche di cura della salute mentale in uno ospedale italiano La costruzione del welfare socio-sanitario 2017
The APD: The Adoptive Path Diary The APD: The adoptive Path DiaryMEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2017

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