Bernadette Basilico


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Time-dependent phenotypical changes of microglia drive alterations in hippocampal synaptic transmission in acute slices FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE 2024
YAP/TAZ cytoskeletal remodelling is driven by mechanotactic and electrotactic cues MATERIALS ADVANCES 2024
Phospholipid scramblase Xkr8 is required for developmental axon pruning via phosphatidylserine exposure EMBO JOURNAL 2023
Microglia complement signaling promotes neuronal elimination and normal brain functional connectivity CEREBRAL CORTEX 2023
Large neutral amino acid levels tune perinatal neuronal excitability and survival CELL 2023
Microglia complement signaling promotes neuronal elimination and normal brain functional connectivity CEREBRAL CORTEX 2023
What microglia depletion approaches tell us about the role of microglia on synaptic function and behavior FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE 2022
Substrate stiffness effect on molecular crosstalk of epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediators of human glioblastoma cells FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY 2022
Cul3 regulates cytoskeleton protein homeostasis and cell migration during a critical window of brain development NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2021
Microglial-glucocorticoid receptor depletion alters the response of hippocampal microglia and neurons in a chronic unpredictable mild stress paradigm in female mice BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 2021
Antibiotics treatment modulates microglia–synapses interaction CELLS 2021
Microglia control glutamatergic synapses in the adult mouse hippocampus GLIA 2021
Molecular mechanisms for targeted ASD treatments CURRENT OPINION IN GENETICS & DEVELOPMENT 2020
Microglia shape presynaptic properties at developing glutamatergic synapses GLIA 2019
Time-lapse Whole-field fluorescence imaging of microglia processes motility in acute mouse hippocampal slices and analysis BIO-PROTOCOL 2019
Microglia-neuron crosstalk: Signaling mechanism and control of synaptic transmission SEMINARS IN CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 2019
Dimethyl fumarate reduces microglia functional response to tissue damage and favors brain iron homeostasis NEUROSCIENCE 2019
ATP release during cell swelling activates a Ca2+-dependent Cl - Current by autocrine mechanism in mouse hippocampal microglia SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Environmental stimuli shape microglial plasticity in glioma ELIFE 2017

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma