Alessandra Cecalupo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Perceived class cohesion as a protection strategy against cyber-bullying in vulnerable students: A study of secondary school students JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY & APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2024
“I feel good with my teachers”. The effects of positive teacher-student relationship on students’ self-esteem and perceptions about their future. PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2023
The impact of perceived barriers to career advancement: a study with a sample of italian university students SUSTAINABILITY 2023
Il supporto sociale del gruppo classe come strategia di protezione del cyberbullismo in studenti vulnerabili: uno studio su studenti della scuola secondaria di secondo grado Book of Abstract. Giornata Tematica della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’AIP “La psicologia sociale e i processi di interdipendenza online e offline” 2023
Individual strivings in social comparison processes. Achievement motivation goals in the Big-Fish-Little-Pond effect FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2022
The contribution of social psychology to educational research: The mutual influence between students and their classmates Psycho-pedagogical research in a Double-degree programme 2020
Covid-19 and political communication through media: the influence of interpersonal attraction and perceived propinquity towards the Prime Minister on Italians’ opinions and perceptions PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2020
La classe scolastica come riferimento sociale della persona: effetti sul bullismo e sul confronto sociale tra gli studenti Tutti i bisogni educativi sono speciali. Riflessioni, ricerche, esperienze didattiche 2019

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