Silvia Canepari


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Identification and spatial mapping of tracers of PM10 emission sources using a high spatial resolution distributed network in an urban setting ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 2021
An analytical method for the biomonitoring of mercury in bees and beehive products by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry MOLECULES 2021
Reusable water bottles. Release of inorganic elements, phthalates, and bisphenol A in a “real use” simulation experiment SEPARATIONS 2021
Effects of operating conditions on PM oxidative potential assays ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 2021
In vitro characterization of genotoxic damage induced by various PM sources on the bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B TOXICOLOGY LETTERS 2021
Multielement characterization and antioxidant activity of Italian extra-virgin Olive oils FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY 2021
L’ape e i suoi prodotti per valutare l’inquinamento ambientale da metalli tossici Atti degli 8i Incontri mediterranei di igiene industriale 2021
Biomarcatori urinari di esposizione e di stress ossidativo nei lavoratori di carpenteria metallica Atti degli 8i Incontri mediterranei di igiene industriale 2021
Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on PM10 composition and sources in the Rome Area (Italy) by elements’ chemical fractionation-based source apportionment ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 2021
Effetti del lockdown sulla composizione e sulle sorgenti del PM10 nell'area di Roma attraverso source apportionment basato sul frazionamento chimico degli elementi Webinar “Giornata di Studio sulla caratterizzazione chimica del PM” - ARPA Lombardia e ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia 2021
Spatial mapping of element concentrations in PM10: A powerful tool to identify spatial relationships between emission sources and oxidative potential of PM Online International Conference on Atmospheric and Earth Sciences 2021
New insights for the assessment of particulate matter ability to induce oxidative stress in living organisms ESMED Congress 2021 - European Society of Medicine 2021
Indoor air quality in a domestic environment. Combined contribution of indoor and outdoor PM sources BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 2021
Spatial distribution of levoglucosan and alternative biomass burning tracers in atmospheric aerosols, in an urban and industrial hot-spot of Central Italy ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 2020
Evaluation of the efficiency of Arundo donax L. leaves as biomonitors for atmospheric element concentrations in an urban and industrial area of Central Italy ATMOSPHERE 2020
Oxidative potential associated with urban aerosol deposited into the respiratory system and relevant elemental and ionic fraction contributions ATMOSPHERE 2020
Biomonitoring of Mercury in Hair among a Group of Eritreans (Africa) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
A new rapid treatment of human hair for elemental determination by inductively coupled mass spectrometry ANALYTICAL METHODS 2020
Comparative elemental analysis of dairy milk and plant-based milk alternatives FOOD CONTROL 2020
High resolution spatial mapping of element concentrations in PM10. A powerful tool for localization of emission sources ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 2020


  • PE10_1
  • LS8
  • PE4_5

Interessi di ricerca

Studi sull'identificazione e la quantificazione delle sorgenti di particolato atmosferico e valuazione della loro potenziale azione nociva su sistemi biologici.

interazioni tra ambiente e sistemi biologici mediante biomonitoraggio 


particolato atmosferico
Analisi elementare
potenziale ossidativo

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma