Luigi De Gennaro


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Approccio neurobiologico allo studio del sonno Psicologia del sonno 2019
Capitolo 16: Metodi e tecniche di stimolazione transcranica durante il sonno. Psicologia del sonno 2019
Bilateral theta transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) modulates EEG activity: when tACS works awake it also works asleep NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP 2019
Valutazione della sonnolenza e delle abilità di guida nella terza età: confronto con un gruppo di giovani. XXIX Congresso Nazionale AIMS 2019
Disconnected body representation: neuroplasticity following spinal cord injury JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2019
Sleep and emotional processing SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS 2018
Spotlight on dream recall. The ages of dreams NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP 2018
Different maturational changes of fast and slow sleep spindles in the first four years of life SLEEP MEDICINE 2018
S93. Cortical connectivity modulation during sleep onset: A study via graph theory on EEG data CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2018
The efficacy of transcranial current stimulation techniques to modulate resting-state EEG, to affect vigilance and to promote sleepiness BRAIN SCIENCES 2018
Bartolacci C., Scarpelli S., Annarumma L., Cloos C., De Gennaro L. Valutazione della Sonnolenza e delle Abilità di Guida nella Terza Età. XXVIII Congresso Nazionale AIMS (Associazione Italiana di Medicina del Sonno), Taormina 2018. XXVIII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE AIMS 2018
Scarpelli S., Bartolacci C., Rodini M., Cloos C., D’Atri A., Gorgoni M., De Gennaro L. Basi neurali del ricordo dei sogni: un protocollo di risvegli multipli notturni. XXVIII Congresso Nazionale AIMS (Associazione Italiana di Medicina del Sonno), Taormina 2018. XXVIII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE AIMS 2018
Narcolepsy and emotional experience: a review of the literature BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN FUNCTIONS 2018
Effetti della stimolazione transcranica a corrente alternata (tACS) nella modulazione dei livelli di sonnolenza e vigilanza 2018
Brain correlates of successful dream recall Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine: 6th edition 2017
Use of varenicline in smokeless tobacco cessation influences sleep quality and dream recall frequency but not dream affect SLEEP MEDICINE 2017
The fall of Sleep K-Complex in Alzheimer disease SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Beyond the neuropsychology of dreaming. Insights into the neural basis of dreaming with new techniques of sleep recording and analysis SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS 2017
In search of sleep biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease: K-Complexes do not discriminate between patients with mild cognitive impairment and healthy controls BRAIN SCIENCES 2017
Predicting Dream Recall. EEG Activation During NREM Sleep or Shared Mechanisms with Wakefulness? BRAIN TOPOGRAPHY 2017

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