Marzia Saglietti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Scommettere sulle competenze degli educatori. Un’esperienza di formazione ai formatori sul leaving care RIVISTA ITALIANA DI EDUCAZIONE FAMILIARE 2020
`Inevitable distinctions'. The discursive construction of unaccompanied minors’ agency in Italian residential care LANGUAGE AND DIALOGUE 2019
Epistemics in an Intensive Care Unit: The practice of informing in nurse-physician interaction 2019
Beyond Interprofessional Epistemic Borders: The Agency of Informing in Nurse-Physician Interaction 2019
Knowledge and agency in interprofessional care: How nurses contribute to the case-construction in an Intensive Care Unit JOURNAL OF INTERPROFESSIONAL CARE 2018
I ragazzi crescono partecipando. Il quotidiano co-evolversi di educatori e ragazzi costruendo comunità per minori Stare con ragazze e ragazzi in difficoltà. La vira educativa nei territori 2018
Assembling (non) treatable cases. The communicative constitution of medical object in doctor-doctor interaction DISCOURSE STUDIES 2017
Struggles over antibiotics. Physicians' stance-taking toward a nonconforming policy in an intensive care unit QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH 2017
Struggles over antibiotics: Alignment and affiliation in doctor-doctor interaction Intervention: Communication Research and Practice. 2017 Conference of the International Communication Association. San Diego (CA) 2017
Constructing the case: How residential care professionals construct their everyday definitions and practices with unaccompanied minors Proceedings. Dialogue, interaction and culture: Multidisciplinary perspectives on language use in everyday life 2017
I ragazzi crescono partecipando. Il quotidiano co-evolversi di educatori e ragazzi costruendo comunità per minori ANIMAZIONE SOCIALE 2016
I ragazzi crescono partecipando. Il quotidiano co-evolversi di educatori e ragazzi costruendo comunità per minori ANIMAZIONE SOCIALE 2016
They've been thrown here: Residential care professionals' discursive construction of the term “unaccompanied minors” Conference: XIV International Conference EUSARF 2016 - Shaping the future. Connecting knowledge and evidence to child welfare practice 2016
Famiglie, colori e carta bianca. Pensieri e pratiche per "guardare" le famiglie 2015


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