Demetrio Logoteta


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Design optimization of a THz receiver based on 60 nm complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor technology ELECTRONICS 2024
Substitutional p-Type Doping in NbS2 -MoS2 Lateral Heterostructures Grown by MOCVD ADVANCED MATERIALS 2023
(La,Ba)SnO3-based thin-film transistors. Large-signal model and scaling projections PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 2022
alpha-As2Te3 as a platform for the exploration of the electronic band structure of single layer beta-tellurene PHYSICAL REVIEW. B 2022
Envelope-function-based analysis of the dependence of shot noise on the gate voltage in disordered graphene samples PHYSICAL REVIEW. B 2021
Dissipative transport and phonon scattering suppression via valley engineering in single-layer antimonene and arsenene field-effect transistors NPJ 2D MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS 2021
Electronic band gap of van der Waals alpha-As2Te3 crystals APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2021
Cold-source paradigm for steep-slope transistors based on van der Waals heterojunctions PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2020
Anharmonic Phonon-Phonon Scattering Modeling of Three-Dimensional Atomistic Transport: An Efficient Quantum Treatment Book of Abstracts 20th International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology 2019
Drain-Backgate-Enhanced TFET Bases on In-Plane MoTe2/MoS2 Heterojunction Book of Abstracts 20th International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology 2019
A Steep-Slope MoS2-Nanoribbon MOSFET Based on an Intrinsic Cold-Contact Effect IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS 2019
Quantum treatment of inelastic interactions for the modeling of nanowire field-effect transistors MATERIALS 2019
Impact of the gate and insulator geometrical model on the static performance and variability of ultrascaled silicon nanowire FETs IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 2018
Thermionic cooling devices based on resonant-tunneling AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONDENSED MATTER 2018
Physically based diagonal treatment of the self-energy of polar optical phonons. Performance assessment of III-V double-gate transistors PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 2018
Dual-gated WTe2/MoSe2 van der Waals tandem solar cells JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C 2018
Impact of momentum mismatch on 2D van der Waals tunnel field-effect transistors JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. D, APPLIED PHYSICS 2018
Anharmonic phonon-phonon scattering modeling of three-dimensional atomistic transport. An efficient quantum treatment PHYSICAL REVIEW. B 2018
Germanane MOSFET for subdeca nanometer high-performance technology nodes IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 2018
Physically based diagonal treatment of polar optical phonons in III-V p-type double-gate transistors: comparison of InAs vs Ge and Si Abstracts of IWCN 2017

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