Alessia Mastropietro


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Decolonising reactions to material traces of the European past. The case of an Italian colonial food PSYCHOLOGY AND DEVELOPING SOCIETIES 2023
President Obama’s Humble Face: An Authentic or a Socially Desirable Posturing? A Study on Reactions to Obama’s Autobiographical Self-Disclosures FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2022
Material traces of a cumbersome past. The case of Italian colonial history What people leave behind. Marks, traces, footprints and their relevance to knowledge society 2022
Helping my Romani pupils also when they do not need it. A research on teachers' benevolent overhelping Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica Reinventing Education Volume II. Learning with New Technologies, Equality and Inclusion 2021

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