Cristina Ottaviani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Sleep disturbance, neuro-immune markers, and depressive symptoms in older age: Conditional process analysis from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSA) PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 2022
From skinner box to daily life: Sign-tracker phenotype co-segregates with impulsivity, compulsivity, and addiction tendencies in humans COGNITIVE, AFFECTIVE & BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE 2022
The mediating role of neuro-immune markers in the long-term association between insomnia and depression: an eight-year follow-up Sleep Medicine. Volume 100, Supplement 1SLEEP MEDICINE 2022
A systematic review of the literature on interpretation bias and its physiological correlates BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2022
Perseverative Cognition as a Mediator Between Perceived Stress and Sleep Disturbance: A Structural Equation Modeling Meta-analysis (meta-SEM) ANNALS OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE 2022
From lab to daily life: determining the acute neurochemical effects of intrusive thinking in pathological and non-pathological worriers NEUROSCIENCE APPLIED 2022
COVID-19 consequences on motivational functioning: an ecological investigation of the role of momentary gustative-olfactory sensitivity and tonic heart rate variability NEUROSCIENCE APPLIED 2022
Clinical translational validity of sign-tracking phenotype in daily life: an ecological study NEUROSCIENCE APPLIED 2022
Sleep and Daily Positive Emotions - Is Heart Rate Variability a Mediator? JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY 2022
Reducing Disgust and Moral Rigidity Through Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): Clinical Implications for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. PSYCHIATRIA DANUBINA 2022
Reduced recognition of facial emotional expressions in global burnout and burnout depersonalization in healthcare providers PEERJ 2021
Mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: The importance of the vagus nerve for biopsychosocial resilience NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 2021
Compassion Is Not a Benzo: Distinctive Associations of Heart Rate Variability With Its Empathic and Action Components FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 2021
Perseverative Cognition in the Positive Valence Systems: An Experimental and Ecological Investigation BRAIN SCIENCES 2021
Parental emotion socialization, youth cortisol awakening response and adjustment in a clinical sample of adolescents in Covid-19 time 8th Annual Society for Affective Science 2021 Conference. 2021
The cardiovascular conundrum in ethnic and sexual minorities: a potential biomarker of constant coping with discrimination FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 2021
Affective saturation index: a lexical measure of affect ENTROPY 2021
Filthiness of immorality: manipulating disgust and moral rigidity through noninvasive brain stimulation as a promising therapeutic tool for obsessive compulsive disorder CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 2021
COVID-19 impact on parental emotion socialization and youth socioemotional adjustment in Italy JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON ADOLESCENCE 2021
The heart in the mind: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between theory of mind and cardiac vagal tone FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY 2021


  • LS5
  • SH4


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Brain-body interactions underlying prolonged stress responses in daily life, in particular the role of perseverative cognition (e.g., worry and rumination) as a transdiagnostic factor in psychopathology. My research activity combines ecological momentary (though sampling) assessment with ambulatory peripheral physiology monitoring, as well as noninvasive brain stimulation techniques.


Clinical Psychology
autonomic nervous system

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma