Flavia Ferranti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Hydraulic conductivity estimation using low-flow purging data elaboration in contaminated sites WATER 2020
Groundwater quality assessment in a karst coastal region of the West Aurunci Mountains (Central Italy) GEOFLUIDS 2019
Environmental issues and anthropic pressures in coastal aquifers. A case study in Southern Latium Region // Aspetti ambientali e pressioni antropiche negli acquiferi costieri: un caso di studio nel Lazio meridionale ACQUE SOTTERRANEE 2019
Assessment of arsenic mobility in a shallow aquifer from Bevera Valley Basin (Northern Italy) ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2019
Recent drought effects on bracciano lake water availability International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM 2019
A Method to Contrast the Impact of Extreme Precipitation. A case study from Central Italy IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2019
Monitoring wetland deterioration in a coastal protected area in central Italy. Implications for management EURO-MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION 2019
Identifying karst aquifer recharge areas using environmental isotopes. A case study in central Italy GEOSCIENCES 2018
Effects of climate change on groundwater feeding the Mazzoccolo and Capodacqua di Spigno Springs (Central Italy): First quantitative assestments International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM 2018
Mg2+-based method for the Pertuso spring discharge evaluation WATER 2017
Vulnerability assessment of the karst aquifer feeding the Pertuso Spring (Central Italy): comparison between different applications of COP method INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, SCIENCES AND RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY 2017
Assessment of vulnerability to seawater intrusion for the coastal aquifer of Dar es salaam (Tanzania) 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference (SGEM 2017) Conference proceedings volume 17 : Albena, Bulgaria, 29 June-5 July 2017 2017
Preliminary validation of an indirect method for discharge evaluation of Pertuso Spring (Central Italy) WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2016
Hydrogeological water budget of the Karst aquifer feeding Pertuso spring (Central Italy) 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining, SGEM 2016 2016
Pertuso Spring discharge assessment in the Upper Valley of Aniene River (Central Italy) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2016
Vulnerability assessment of karst aquifer feeding Pertuso Spring (Central Italy): comparison between different applications of COP method EGU 2016GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS 2016
A proposal of conceptual model for Pertuso Spring discharge evaluation in the Upper Valley of Aniene River ACQUE SOTTERRANEE 2016
Effects of seasonal change and seawater intrusion on water quality for drinking and irrigation purposes, in coastal aquifers of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES 2015
Validation of salt dilution method for discharge measurements in the upper valley of Aniene river (central Italy) WSEAS Recent Advances in Environment, Ecosystems and Development, Proceeding of the 13th International Conference on Environment, Ecosystem and Development (EED’15) 2015
Groundwater geochemical characterization in the karst aquifer feeding the Pertuso spring (Italy) Proceeding of the World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2015) 2015

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