Michele Lustrino


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Eocene-Miocene igneous activity in Provence (SE France). 40Ar/39Ar data, geochemical-petrological constraints and geodynamic implications LITHOS 2017
The Fe3+/ΣFetot of spinel in equilibrium with graphite and carbonate either solid or melt: implications for the oxythermobarometry of natural diamantiferous spinel harzburgites Second European Mineralogical Conference - Abstracts 2016
Exotic lamproites or normal ultrapotassic rocks? The Late Miocene volcanic rocks from Kef Hahouner, NE Algeria, in the frame of the circum-Mediterranean lamproites JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 2016
Post-collisional magmatism in the Late Miocene Rodna-Bârgău district (East Carpathians, Romania). Geochemical constraints and petrogenetic models LITHOS 2016
Enriched asthenosphere melting beneath the nascent North African margin. Trace element and Nd isotope evidence in middle–late Triassic alkali basalts from central Sicily (Italy) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 2016
Ca-rich carbonates associated with ultrabasic-ultramafic melts. Carbonatite or limestone xenoliths? A case study from the late Miocene Morron de Villamayor volcano (Calatrava Volcanic Field, central Spain) GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 2016
The contribution of italian scientists to the geology of Turkey. THE CONTRIBUTION OF ITALIAN SCIENTISTS TO THE GEOLOGY OF TURKEY 2016
Global and regional factors responsible for the drowning of the Central Apennine Chattian carbonate platforms GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL 2015
Trace-element partitioning between plagioclase, alkali feldspar, Ti-magnetite, biotite, apatite, and evolved potassic liquids from Campi Flegrei (Southern Italy) AMERICAN MINERALOGIST 2015
The Oligo-Miocene alkaline volcanism of Bahariya (Western Desert, Egypt) RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 2015
Recent studies on Central and Eastern Anatolia volcanism ACTA VULCANOLOGICA 2015
The mantle isotopic printer. Basic mantle plume geochemistry for seismologists and geodynamicists The interdisciplinary earth. A volume in honor of Don L. Anderson 2015
Preface The interdisciplinary earth. A volume in honor of Don L. Anderson 2015
What lies deep in the mantle below? EOS 2015

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