Maurizio Taurino


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Microscopy methods for biofilm imaging: focus on SEM and VP-SEM pros and cons BIOLOGY 2021
The Fluid-Dynamics of Endo Vascular Aneurysm Sealing (EVAS) System failure CARDIOVASCULAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 2021
1-Year results from a prospective experience on CAS using the CGuard stent system: The IRONGUARD 2 study JACC. CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS 2021
Acute limb ischemia due to iliac thrombosis following laparoscopic surgery for hiatal hernia. Report from a medical malpractice litigation ANNALS OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY 2021
Treatment-Resistant Acute Upper Limb Ischemia in a Patient With Systemic Lupus Erythematous and Concomitant SARS-CoV-2 Infection. A Case Report ANNALS OF VASCULAR SURGERY 2021
Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio could predict outcome in patients presenting with acute limb ischemia JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2021
Position paper on young vascular surgeons training of the mediterranean federation for the advancing of vascular surgery (MeFAVS): state of the art and perspectives ANNALS OF VASCULAR SURGERY 2021
Endovascular aortic repair in patients with challenging anatomies: the EXTREME study EUROINTERVENTION 2021
Altered tregs differentiation and impaired autophagy correlate to atherosclerotic disease FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 2020
Bilateral spontaneous renal artery dissection and antiphospholipid antibodies BRITISH JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE 2020
The Influence of Diabetes Mellitus on the Outcome of Superficial Femoral Artery Recanalization is Debatable TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE @ UNISA 2020
Imaging modalities for the diagnosis of vascular graft infections. A consensus paper amongst different specialists JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2020
1-Month results from a prospective experience on cas using cguard stent system. The ironguard 2 study JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS 2020
Expression of miRNA-33 and miRNA-155 in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis HSOA JOURNAL OF ANGIOLOGY & VASCULAR SURGERY 2020
Giant aortic arch aneurysm in elderly patient Henry Journal of Case Reports & Imaging 2020
Managing peripheral artery disease in diabetic patients. A questionnaire survey from vascular centers of the Mediterranean Federation for the advancing of vascular surgery (MeFAVS) ANNALS OF VASCULAR SURGERY 2020
Monocyte subsets, infectious agents. and atherosclerosis INTERNATIONAL ANGIOLOGY 2020
Different ST2 serum concentrations in asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid artery stenosis ANNALS OF VASCULAR SURGERY 2019
Carotid artery stenosis, diabetes mellitus, and TCD4+ lymphocyte subpopulations JOURNAL OF DIABETES 2019
Inflammation and immune response in carotid artery stenosis ITALIAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY 2019


  • LS7
  • LS7_6
  • LS7_12

Interessi di ricerca

Aneurismi Aortici

Dissezioni Aortiche

Insufficienza cerebrovascolare acuta e cronica

Arterioplatia Obliterante Periferica

Ischemia Critica degli Arti inferiori

Ischemie Acute d'Arto


acute stroke
Carotid Arteries
carotid artery diseases
carotid plaque
carotid artery stenosis
Carotid stenting
abdominal aortic aneurysm
abdominal aortic aneurysm endovascular repair etiopatogenetic implications
ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms
Acute aortic dissection
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
bypass surgery
endovascular aneurysm repair
Bailout stenting
balloon angioplasty
Carotid Endarterectomy
infrapopliteal bypass graft
infrapopliteal vein graft
popliteal artery

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma