Guido Pellegrini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Metodi da applicare alla valutazione delle politiche pubbliche RIVISTA GIURIDICA DEL MEZZOGIORNO 2018
La strategia di specializzazione intelligente nazionale e regionale in Italia: analisi di coerenza RIVISTA ECONOMICA DEL MEZZOGIORNO 2018
Industrial policy evaluation in the presence of spillovers SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS 2017
Public subsidies, TFP and efficiency: A tale of complex relationships RESEARCH POLICY 2017
Are we spending too much to grow? The case of Structural Funds JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 2017
La valutazione ex post delle politiche: l’approccio controfattuale RIVISTA DELLA CORTE DEI CONTI 2017
Prezzi e concorrenza Concorrenza, mercato e crescita il Italia: il lungo periodo 2017
Short-term wind power forecasting based on dynamic system of equations INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND STATISTICS 2016
Assessing the impacts of Cohesion Policy on EU regions: A non-parametric analysis on interventions promoting research and innovation and transport accessibility PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2016
Do subsidized new firms survive longer? Evidence from a counterfactual approach REGIONAL STUDIES 2016
Convergenza e crescita tra le regioni italiane: quanto è importante la politica? RIVISTA ECONOMICA DEL MEZZOGIORNO 2016
Evaluating the impact of innovation incentives: evidence from an unexpected shortage of funds INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE 2015
Caratteristiche delle imprese ed eterogeneità degli effetti degli incentivi alla R&S SR SCIENZE REGIONALI 2015
La valutazione di un intervento nel campo dei trasporti: gli effetti dell’incentivo Ecobonus RIVISTA DI ECONOMIA E STATISTICA DEL TERRITORIO 2015
Conviene incentivare le piccole imprese piuttosto che le grandi? Un'analisi basata sul multiple regression discontinuity design RIV. RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI VALUTAZIONE 2015


  • SH1_9
  • SH1_15


  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

Guido Pellegrini is Full Professor of Economic Statistics and Statistical Methods for Policy Evaluation at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences of Sapienza, University of Rome. He was President of the Italian Association of Regional Sciences (AISRe) in the three-year period 2017-2019 and President of the Statistical Information Guarantee Commission, and is currently on the Board of Directors of Svimez and on the Scientific Council of the Bruno Kessler Foundation and the D'Addario Foundation. Previously he worked as economist at the Research Department of the Bank of Italy.

He is an expert in the evaluation of programs and projects co-financed by European Funds or National and Regional Funds for the implementation and promotion of complex economic development programs. He has scientifically directed and coordinated the evaluation of numerous programs and projects concerning economic and social interventions of European, national and regional policies, in Italy and abroad. He has published over 150 papers in national and international journals on the evaluation of development and innovation policies, on interventions concerning incentives, credit and aid to enterprises, on the development of new enterprises and their survival, on economic growth and convergence between regions, on local development.


policy evaluation method
regional policy evaluation
National and local development
Convergenza regionale
industrial policy
R&D policy

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma