Maurizio Pompili


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Neural correlates in patients with major affective disorders. An FMRI study CNS & NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS. DRUG TARGETS 2017
Neural functional correlates of empathic face processing NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 2017
The association among childhood trauma, pathological dissociation and gambling severity in casino gamblers CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOTHERAPY 2017
Cariprazine (RGH-188). A new pharmacological target option for the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and depression? MINERVA PSICHIATRICA 2017
Mood disorders. suicidal behavior Kaplan & Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, tenth edition 2017
The impact of periventricular white matter lesions in patients with bipolar disorder type I CNS SPECTRUMS 2016
Life adversities and suicidal behavior in young individuals. a systematic review EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY 2016
Temperaments in completed suicides. are they different from those in suicide attempters and controls COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY 2016
Measuring the automatic negative self-schema. New evidence for the construct and criterion validity of the depression implicit association SELF AND IDENTITY 2016
Huntington's disease and suicidal behavior. The importance of lithium treatment CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY 2016
Understanding suicidal behavior. the contribution of recent resting-state fMRI techniques FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY 2016
Economic deprivation as a predictor of the direction of lethal violence. an analysis of italian provinces ARCHIVES OF SUICIDE RESEARCH 2016
Climate change but not unemployment explains the changing suicidality in Thessaloniki Greece (2000-2012) JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 2016
Extreme sensory processing patterns and their relation with clinical conditions among individuals with major affective disorders PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH 2016
The HPA axis in bipolar disorder. systematic review and meta-analysis PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 2016
Il suicidio nei bambini e negli adolescenti QUADERNI ACP 2016
Suicide attempts in bipolar disorders. comprehensive review of 101 reports ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA 2016
Antidepressants and suicide risk. A challenge Understanding Suicide. From Diagnosis to Personalized Treatment 2016
Differences among South Tyrolean suicides. a psychological autopsy study WIENER KLINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 2016
Childhood trauma in obese and overweight women with food addiction and clinical-level of binge eating CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT 2016

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