Ilaria Andolfi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Democritus (B 299 D.K.): Alien Wisdom, Geometry, and the Contemporary Prose Landscape Foreign Influences. Philosophy and the Circulation of Knowledge in Antiquity 2024
Empedocles and Deceitful Didactic Poetry. What Style Matters can say about Empedocles' Audience(s) REVISTA ARCHAI 2024
Framing Intertextuality in Early Greek Prose Texts and Intertexts in Archaic and Classical Greece 2024
Hippias Synagoge: an Historiographical Misunderstanding? THE CLASSICAL JOURNAL 2023
What remains of the epic Heracles? - (C.C.) Tsagalis (ed., trans.) Early Greek Epic Fragments II. Epics on Herakles: Kreophylos and Peisandros. (Trends in Classics Supplementary Volume 129.) Pp. xiv + 256, b/w & colour pls. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2022. Cased, £94, €102.95, US$118.99. ISBN: 978-3-11-076756-8. THE CLASSICAL REVIEW 2023
Designing a Cosmic Architecture. Craftsmanship in Empedocles’ poetry Teaching Through Images. Imagery in Greek and Roman Didactic Poetry 2022
A Grammar of Self-Referential Statements. Claims for Authority from Hesiod to the Presocratics Hesiod and the Beginnings of Greek Philosophy 2022
Doric Features in Empedocles' Poetry? RIVISTA DI CULTURA CLASSICA E MEDIOEVALE 2022
A Writing hard to wash out. A reassessment of the story about Acusilaus and his bronze tablets. Uses and Misuses of Ancient Mediterranean Sources. Erudition, Authority, Manipulation 2022
Uncovering Aristotle’s Debt to Protagoras (80 A30 D.-K. = D32 L.-M.) GREEK, ROMAN AND BYZANTINE STUDIES 2021
“Scrivo queste così come mi sembrano vere”: Ecateo di Mileto tra Esiodo e i Presocratici SEMINARI ROMANI DI CULTURA GRECA 2021
A Forgotten Piece of the Theban Saga? Reassessing Hec. fr. 33 EGM ΦΑΙΔΙΜΟΣ ΕΚΤΩΡ. Studi in onore di Willy Cingano per il suo 70 compleanno 2021
Empedocles Arbiter Symposii. Luxury, Political Equality, and Bizarre Dinner Parties in fifth-century Acragras HISTOS 2020
Etymologies through corruption”? Toponyms and Personal Names in Greek Mythography INCONTRI DI FILOLOGIA CLASSICA 2020
Acusilaus of Argos' "Rhapsody in Prose". Introduction, Text, and Commentary. 2019
Rhapsody in Prose? The Contribution of Hecataeus of Miletus to Archaic Greek Literature QUADERNI URBINATI DI CULTURA CLASSICA 2018
An ambiguous literary genre. The Origins of Early Greek Mythography MNEMOSYNE 2017
Hecataeus Milesius: a textual approach to selected fragments from the Genealogies Fragments, Holes and Wholes: Reconstructing the Ancient World in Theory and PracticeJOURNAL OF JURISTIC PAPYROLOGY 2017
La biografia esiodea: percorsi per una nuova interpretazione SEMINARI ROMANI DI CULTURA GRECA 2016

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