Luca Lanzillo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Scienza aperta, cittadinanza scientifica e terza missione dell’università: il ruolo delle biblioteche accademiche BIBLIOTECHE OGGI TRENDS 2020
Research quality criteria in the evaluation of books The evaluation of research in social sciences and humanities. Lessons from the Italian experience 2018
The social impact assessment in social sciences and humanities: methodological issues from the Italian experience The evaluation of research in social sciences and humanities. Lessons from the Italian experience 2018
Recensione a: Simona Turbanti. Bibliometria e scienze del libro: internazionalizzazione e vitalità degli studi italiani. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2017. XI, 166 p. ISBN 978-88-6453-467-1. EUR 17,90 AIB STUDI 2017
Recensione a: Andrea Bonaccorsi, La valutazione possibile. Teoria e pratica nel mondo della ricerca, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015, 233 p. BIBLIOTECHE OGGI 2016
Recensione a: Data information literacy: librarians, data, and the education of a new generation of researchers, edited by Jake Carlson and Lisa R. Johnston, West Lafayette, Purdue University Press, 2015 AIB STUDI 2016
Bibliometria e discipline bibliografico-biblioteconomiche in Italia: una questione di magnetismo BIBLIOTECHE OGGI TRENDS 2015
Bibliometrics and ‘core journals’ in the Humanities: an Italian case study QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN LIBRARIES 2015
Bibliometrics and ‘core journals’ in the Humanities: an Italian case study Book of abstracts: 7th Qualitative and quantitative methods in libraries, QQML 2015: international conference, May 26-29 2015, Paris, France 2015

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