Cristiano Collettini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The semibrittle behavior of simulated calcite fault gouge 12th EUROconference on Rock Physics and Geomechanics 2017
Structural Disorder of Graphite and Implications for Graphite Thermometry Programme, abstract book and mid-conference field guide 2017
The role of pre-existing anisotropies in fault mechanics: experimental insights from triaxial saw-cut experiments Programme, abstract book and mid-conference field guide 2017
Frictional stability and earthquake triggering during fluid pressure stimulation of an experimental fault EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 2017
Physical and transport property variations within carbonate-bearing fault zones. Insights from the Monte Maggio fault (Central Italy) GEOCHEMISTRY, GEOPHYSICS, GEOSYSTEMS 2017
Fault-surface geometry controlled by faulting mechanisms. Experimental observations in limestone faults GEOLOGY 2017
Fault geometry and mechanics within sealing horizons consisting of carbonate multilayers 2016
The role of fluid pressure in induced vs. triggered seismicity. Insights from rock deformation experiments on carbonates SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
The hydro-mechanical properties of sealing horizons consisting of mechanical multilayers GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS 2016
Precursory changes in seismic velocity for the spectrum of earthquake failure modes NATURE GEOSCIENCE 2016
The influence of normal stress and sliding velocity on the frictional behaviour of calcite at room temperature. Insights from laboratory experiments and microstructural observations GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 2016
Fault geometry and mechanics of marly carbonate multilayers. An integrated field and laboratory study from the Northern Apennines, Italy JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2016
On the evolution of elastic properties during laboratory stick-slip experiments spanning the transition from slow slip to dynamic rupture JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SOLID EARTH 2016
The Role of Anisotropy in Fault Mechanics: Experimental Insights from Deformation Experiments in Triaxial Saw-cut Configuration American Geophysical Union, Fall General Assembly 2016, abstract #MR41A-2689 2016
Influence of calcite decarbonation on the frictional behavior of carbonate-bearing gouge. Implications for the instability of volcanic flanks and fault slip TECTONOPHYSICS 2015
Early weakening processes inside thrust fault TECTONICS 2015
Fault strength in thin-skinned tectonic wedges across the smectite-illite transition. Constraints from friction experiments and critical tapers GEOLOGY 2015
Frictional behavior of talc-calcite mixtures JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SOLID EARTH 2015
Can grain size sensitive flow lubricate faults during the initial stages of earthquake propagation? EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 2015
The Role of Mechanical Anisotropy in Controlling Fault Trajectories within Multilayered Carbonate and Clay-rich Rocks 2015

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