Livia Bevilacqua


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Spolia on City Gates in the Thirteenth Century: Byzantium and Italy Spolia Reincarnated. Second Life of Objects, Materials, and Spaces in Anatolia from Antiquity to the Ottoman Era. Proceedings of the 10th International ANAMED Annual Symposium (Istanbul 5-6 December 2015) 2018
Tra Oriente e Occidente: note sulla circolazione artistica nei 'quartieri' veneziani del Levante attraverso i documenti HORTUS ARTIUM MEDIEVALIUM 2016
Recycling Myths in Byzantine Art: Spolia on the Gate of Persecution in Ephesus Revisitar o mito / Myths Revisited, Proceedings of the International Conference, Lisbon 2-5 May 2012 2015
Family Inheritance: Classical Antiquities Reused and Displayed in Byzantine Cities Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art. Collection of Articles 2015

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