Stefano Ricci


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Migration to ERTMS for dense traffic lines: investigation methodologies and application to the Stockholm Citybanan case study // Transizione all’ERTMS per le linee a traffico intenso: metodologie di indagine e applicazione al caso di studio della Citybanan di Stoccolma INGEGNERIA FERROVIARIA 2021
The role of road transport infrastructure investments on logistics performance. A research Agenda INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LOGISTICS JOURNAL 2021
Development of a contactless sensor system to support rail track geometry on-board monitoring Road and Rail Infrastructure VI proceedings of 6th CETRA International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure 2021
Fire in Railway Tunnels Dynamic Simulation. Structural Assessment and Effects Mitigation Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2021) 2021
Ports’ structural and operational benchmark: Methodology and application to the Mediterranean basin Maritime Transport 2019 2020
Management and infrastructures in a maritime coal terminal. A decision-making methodology Maritime Transport 2019 2020
Preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis of the measures put in the place by EU member states to implement the directive on reduction of sulphur content in fuels used by ships Maritime Transport 2019 2020
Level crossings ranking by integrated risk analysis for typical hazards Rethinking transport - towards clean and inclusive mobility : proceedings of TRA2020, the 8th Transport Research Arena 2020
Comparative application of methods for the combined lines-nodes capacity assessment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION 2020
Measuring Performances of Multi-mode Marshalling Yards Modelling of the Interaction of the Different Vehicles and Various Transport Modes 2020
Unplanned rail service disruptions. Recovery Index for the station analysis where to set up a bus bridging // Interruzioni accidentali del servizio ferroviario. Un Recovery Index per l’analisi delle stazioni dove istituire servizi di autobus sostitutivi INGEGNERIA FERROVIARIA 2020
Requirement specifications for track measuring and monitoring systems // Specifiche di requisiti per sistemi di misura e monitoraggio del binario INGEGNERIA FERROVIARIA 2020
Trasporto 2020
Effetti potenziali del cambiamento nel regime italiano dei diritti di accesso ferroviari sui servizi passeggeri // Potential effects of changes in the Italian railway access charge regime on passenger services INGEGNERIA FERROVIARIA 2019
Assessment of energy and emissions saving solutions in urban rail-based transport systems RailNorrköping 2019. 8th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (ICROMA). Proceedings June 17th – 20th, 2019 2019
Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Passenger Transport JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION 2019
Ingegneria dei trasporti navali 2019
Effects of passengers flows on regularity of metro services: case studies of Rome lines A and B INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION 2018
From car to bike. Marketing and dialogue as a driver of change Urban transport XXIII. WIT Transactions on The Built Environment. 2018
Present and future operation of rail freight terminals Transport Systems and Delivery of Cargo on East–West Routes 2018

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