Marianna Belloc


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Multigenerational transmission of wealth. Florence 1403-1480 CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC POLICY RESEARCH DISCUSSION PAPERS 2023
Multigenerational Transmission of Wealth: Florence 1403-1480 AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. APPLIED ECONOMICS 2023
Law, human capital, and the emergence of free city-states in medieval Italy EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND ECONOMICS 2023
Urban wage premia, cost of living, and collective bargaining JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2022
Wealth Accumulation and Institutional Capture: the Rise of the Medici and the Fall of the Florentine Republic CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC POLICY RESEARCH DISCUSSION PAPERS 2022
Fondamenti di economia internazionale. Seconda edizione 2021
Conviene vivere in città? I salari reali tra contrattazione contrattazione collettiva e costo della vita MENABÒ DI ETICA ED ECONOMIA 2020
Intuition and deliberation in the stag hunt game SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019
Voting behavior and the terrestrial digital divide ECONOMICS LETTERS 2018
Urban wage premia, cost of living, and collective bargaining 2018
Persistence and change in culture and institutions under autarchy, trade, and factor mobility AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MICROECONOMICS 2017
Modelli di capitalismo e complementarietà istituzionali MENABÒ DI ETICA ED ECONOMIA 2017
Earthquakes, religion, and transition to self-government in Italian cities QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 2016
Impact of ICT diffusion and adoption on sectoral industrial performance. Evidence from a panel of European countries ECONOMIA POLITICA 2015
Information for sale in the European Union JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION 2015

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