Emanuela Ghignoni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The multifaceted impact of Erasmus Programme on the school‑to‑work transition: a matching sensitivity analysis RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2024
The gender wage gap in Egypt. Public versus private sector INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER 2023
Quando i divari salariali si sommano: essere donna ed immigrata in Italia MENABÒ DI ETICA ED ECONOMIA 2022
Le scelte di fecondità e la durata della maternità in Italia. Vincoli economici e norme sociali QUADERNI DI ECONOMIA DEL LAVORO 2020
Informal recruitment channels, family background and university enrolments in Italy HIGHER EDUCATION 2020
Diffusion and mortality of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Italian Provinces. The role of human capital, families’ structure, population mobility and local healthcare systems QUADERNI DI ECONOMIA DEL LAVORO 2020
The evolution of wage gaps between STEM and non-STEM graduates in a technological following economy APPLIED ECONOMICS 2019
Un'analisi dei differenziali salariali tra neo-laureati nei diversi ambiti scientifico-disciplinari Il mercato rende diseguali. La distribuzione dei redditi in Italia 2018
University dropouts versus high school graduates in the school-to-work transition. Who is doing better? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER 2018
Saperi in cerca di impiego. La sovraistruzione dei laureati in Italia ITALIANIEUROPEI 2017
Family background and university dropouts during the crisis: the case of Italy HIGHER EDUCATION 2016
Added worker effect during the Great Recession. Evidence from Italy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER 2016
Fixed term contracts and employers’ human capital. The role of educational spillovers PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE 2016
Agglomeration and workplace training. Knowledge spillover versus poaching REGIONAL STUDIES 2016
Educational mismatch and spatial flexibility in italian local labour markets EDUCATION ECONOMICS 2015
Employers' agglomeration and innovation in a small business economy. The Italian case Geographical labour market imbalances 2015
The drivers of innovation in the italian manufacturing sector ECONOMIA & LAVORO 2015

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