Corrado De Vito


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A proposal of a new evaluation framework towards implementation of genetic tests PLOS ONE 2019
Determinants of the intention to vaccinate with MMR among pregnant women from the City of Rome EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTHEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019
Healthcare workers and measles outbreaks in Italy. Is it time to act? A systematic review EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTHEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019
Are midwives ready to fight vaccine hesitancy? First results from an Italian cross-sectional study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTHEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019
Genetic services for hereditary cancer. A systematic review of patient reported outcomes studies EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTHEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019
A systematic review of factors influencing pregnant women's future vaccination choices EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTHEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019
Prevalence survey of healthcare associated infections in a large teaching hospital EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTHEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019
Benefits and challenges of Bbg data in healthcare. An overview of the European initiatives EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019
Epidemia di morbillo in Italia ed operatori sanitari. È giunto il momento di agire? Il punto della situazione Journal of preventive medicine and HygieneJOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND HYGIENE 2019
“Formare per informare - l’ostetrica nel contrasto all’esitazione vaccinale”. Risultati preliminari di uno studio trasversale sulle ostetriche di Roma Journal of preventive medicine and HygieneJOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND HYGIENE 2019
Italian survey on public health professionals’ attitudes and beliefs towards mandatory vaccination: a pilot study JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND HYGIENE 2019
Come integrare la medicina personalizzata all’interno della prevenzione? Raccomandazioni dal consorzio “Personalized pREvention of Chronic Diseases” (PRECeDI)” JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND HYGIENE 2019
Determinanti dell’intenzione di vaccinare contro morbillo, pertosse e rosolia. Risultati di un’indagine condotta in una popolazione di donne in gravidanza della città di Roma Journal of preventive medicine and HygieneJOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND HYGIENE 2019
Paying attention to personnel in organizational changes: the impact of hospital mergers SUPPLEMENT Volume 29, Issue Supplement_4, November 2019 Supplement 12th European Public Health Conference Building bridges for solidarity and public health Marseille, France 20th–23rd November 2019EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2019
The Role of MRI-DTI in Predicting Pain Related to Endometriosis: a Preliminary Study JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY 2018
Patient experience and utility of genetic information: a cross-sectional study among patients tested for cancer susceptibility and thrombophilia EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 2018
Emergency Department as an epidemiological observatory of Human Mobility. The case of Rome Metropolitan Area (EMAHM). A descriptive analysis of the visits to the ED of the Northern African population ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2018
Severity of OSAS, CPAP and cardiovascular events: a follow-up study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 2018
How is genetic testing evaluated? A systematic review of the literature EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 2018
Automated classification of focal breast lesions according to S-detect: validation and role as a clinical and teaching tool JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND 2018


  • LS7_9


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Public Health Genomics; Health Technology Assessment; epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases; epidemiology of NTDs; evaluation of diagnostic tests; use of GIS for Public Health


Risk factors in epidemiology
evidence-based public health (EBPH)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma