Francesco Costantino


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Drivers of knowledge conversion in socio-technical systems 6th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS Development, STPIS 2020 2020
A predictive maintenance model for an industrial fan in a cement plant ...SUMMER SCHOOL FRANCESCO TURCO. PROCEEDINGS 2020
Machine learning models to predict components decay in a naval propulsion system ...SUMMER SCHOOL FRANCESCO TURCO. PROCEEDINGS 2020
Smart manufacturing in the framework of space industry. An industry 4.0 approach to large scale production of satellite constellations Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2020
Crowd sensitive indicators for proactive safety management: A theoretical framework Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference 2020
Towards a framework for definition of enterprise safety indicators CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2020
Systemic safety management in anesthesiological practices SAFETY SCIENCE 2019
A new efficient collaboration model for multi-echelon supply chains EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 2019
Risk, safety, reliability and satellites: chronicles of a fragmented research field JOURNAL OF SPACE SAFETY ENGINEERING 2019
Risk, safety and reliability in satellite operations: the intellectual structure of a research field Proceedings of the 10th International Space Safety Conference "Making safety happen" 2019
A system-approach for recoverable spare parts management using the discreteweibull distribution SUSTAINABILITY 2019
Load forecast for onboard high-speed railway catering service using machine learning ...SUMMER SCHOOL FRANCESCO TURCO. PROCEEDINGS 2019
About resilience of modern societies ÈKONOMIKA I UPRAVLENIE: PROBLEMY, REŠENIÂ 2019
Receipt and disptach of an aircraft. A functional risk analysis 2019: Proceedings: 8th REA Symposium on Resilience Engineering: Scaling up and Speeding up - Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden, 24th-27th June 2019 2019
Who? What? Where? When? A scientometric perspective on Resilience Engineering Proceedings: 8th REA Symposium on Resilience Engineering: Scaling up and Speeding up - Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden, 24th-27th June 2019 2019
About spare parts cannibalization for rotable items. A preliminary approach for inventory control 2019 4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, ICSRS 2019 2019
Actionable safety analyses in socio-technical systems with myFRAM 2019
About resilience of modern societies Proceedings of 13th International Scientific Conference «Humanitarian, economic and management aspects of modern government and business structures» 2019
myFRAM one year later: recap and agenda Proceedings of 13th FRAMily meeting & workshop 2019
An analytic framework to assess organizational resilience SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK 2018

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