Sebastiano Rampello


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Equivalent fundamental period of bridge piers on caisson foundations from dynamic centrifuge testing SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2024
On the fundamental period of bridge piers on caisson foundations Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (8ICEGE) 2024
Regional scale assessment of the seismic performance of natural slopes Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication 2024
Kinematic effects on Interaction Diagrams for Caisson Foundations 28th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference – EYGEC 2024 2024
Interaction Between Tunnel Excavations and Historical Structures in Rome: A Fully Coupled Structural and Geotechnical Approach Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 2023
Influence of the displacement predictive relationships on the probabilistic seismic analysis of slopes JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2023
Evaluation of Seismic Landslide Hazard Based on a New Displacement Semi-empirical Relationship Geotechnical Engineering in the Digital and Technological Innovation Era 2023
Load-time failure envelopes for suction caissons under sustained vertical loading Proceedings of the 9th International SUT Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Conference "Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition" 2023
Bearing capacity of caisson foundations under combined loading Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sydney 2022 2022
Use of interaction domains for a displacement-based design of caisson foundations ACTA GEOTECHNICA 2022
Tunnelling effects on the Basilica di Massenzio: Computed and observed displacement fields 2022
Safeguarding of the AurelianWalls at Porta Asinaria from conventional tunnelling 2022
The role of seismic intensity on the performance of caisson foundations supporting bridge piers: preliminary results from dynamic centrifuge Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure - ICONHIC 2022 2022
Experimental investigation of the seismic performance of caisson foundations supporting bridge piers GEOTECHNIQUE 2022
Efficiency of Piles Stabilizing Slopes in Fine-Grained Soils INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 2022
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Curves and Maps for Italian Slopes Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Performance Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (Beijing 2022) 2022
Seismic design of geosynthetic-reinforced earth retaining walls following a pseudo-static approach IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2022
La mitigazione degli effetti indotti dallo scavo di gallerie mediante l’uso di barriere preinstallate: il caso della linea C della metropolitana di Roma La Geotecnica per lo sviluppo sostenibile del territorio e per la tutela dell’ambiente 2022
Indici di prestazione sismica per le dighe in terra La Geotecnica per lo sviluppo sostenibile del territorio e per la tutela dell’ambiente 2022
Screening-level analyses for the evaluation of the seismic performance of a zoned earth dam ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2021

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