Marco Ruggeri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the chocolate supply chain. A literature overview 2nd International Conference on Coffee & Cocoa. Proceedings Book 2022
An Overview of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the Coffee Supply Chain New Innovations in Economics, Business and Management Vol. 9 2022
The Role of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 in Health Emergency Management: Challenges and Opportunities Current Aspects in Business, Economics and Finance Vol. 3 2022
A Comparison of the Mediterranean Diet and Current Food Patterns in Italy: A Life Cycle Thinking Approach for a Sustainable Consumption INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022
Application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to cereal production: an overview IOP CONFERENCE SERIES. EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2022
Sustainability Assessment of Different Extra Virgin Olive Oil Extraction Methods through a Life Cycle Thinking Approach: Challenges and Opportunities in the Elaio-Technical Sector SUSTAINABILITY 2022
Valutazione della sostenibilità della produzione risicola: il ruolo del Life Cycle Assessment Atti del 12° Convegno AISTEC cereali e scienza: resilienza, sostenibilità e innovazione 2022
Environmental life cycle assessment of rice production in northern Italy: a case study from Vercelli THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT 2022
Electric Mobility in a Smart City: European Overview ENERGIES 2021
Determinazione di composti bioattivi nella farina di Canapa: ammine biogene ed antiossidanti TECNICA MOLITORIA 2021
Sustainable Management of Organic Waste and Recycling for Bioplastics: A LCA Approach for the Italian Case Study SUSTAINABILITY 2021
Fast Determination of Biogenic Amines by the Application of Multiparametric Sensor for Food Quality Current Approaches in Science and Technology Research Vol. 6 2021
An Overview of Graphene Based Application New Approaches in Engineering Research Vol. 3 2021
Current Applications and Future Perspectives of Mxenes: 2D Materials Current Approaches in Science and Technology Research Vol. 7 2021
Impatto ambientale della coltivazione in pieno campo della Canapa industriale (Cannabis sativa L.): valutazione di differenti itinerari tecnici La sostenibilità della LCA tra sfide globali e competitività delle organizzazioni. Atti del del XIV Convegno della rete Italiana LCA - IX Convegno dell'Associazione Rete Italiana LCA. Cortina d’Ampezzo 9-11 dicembre 2020 2021
The Health of the Water Planet: Challenges and Opportunities in the Mediterranean Area. An Overview EARTH 2021
Applicazione del Life Cycle Assessment nella produzione risicola Il Life Cycle Assessment per la valutazione della sostenibilità della filiera e dei prodotti agro-alimentari: sfide e nuove opportunità 2021
Biotechnology for clean energy production Waste biomass for local sustainable development: a case study in Kenya 2020
Cereali e Pseudocereali: valore economico vs valore nutrizionale TECNICA MOLITORIA 2020
Efficient energy and electric transport in a Smart City: evaluation of sustainability and competitivness Conference Proceedings 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power System Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe) 9-12 june, 2020, Madrid, Spain 2020

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