Vito D'Andrea


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Stiffness characterization of biological tissues by means of MEMS-technology based micro grippers under position control Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2017 2018
Surgical treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors of the duodenum. A literature review TRANSLATIONAL GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER 2018
Progetto di nuove tecnologie ingegneristiche applicate ai drenaggi chirurgici Atti del Congresso Congiunto delle Società Scientifiche Italiane di Chirurgia 2018
The role of emergency laparoscopic colectomy for complicated sigmoid diverticulits. A systematic review and meta-analysis SURGEON 2018
Fluorescence image-guided lymphadenectomy using indocyanine green and near infrared technology in robotic gastrectomy CHINESE JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH 2018
Is the routine dissection of lateral lymph nodes really necessary after mesorectal excision for clinical stageII/III lower rectal cancer? ANNALS OF SURGERY 2018
Early versus delayed approach in cholecystectomy after admission to an emergency department. A multicenter retrospective study IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2018
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis. Are intended operative approach, timing and outcome affected by BMI? A multicenter retrospective study IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2018
Multiparametric ultrasonography and ultrasound elastography in the differentiation of parathyroid lesions from ectopic thyroid lesions or lymphadenopathies ENDOCRINE 2017
Management of concomitant hyperparathyroidism and thyroid diseases in the elderly patients. A retrospective cohort study AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH 2017
A systematic analysis of controlled clinical trials using the NiTi CAR™ compression ring in colorectal anastomoses TECHNIQUES IN COLOPROCTOLOGY 2017
Robotic right hemicolectomy. Analysis of 108 consecutive procedures and multidimensional assessment of the learning curve SURGICAL ONCOLOGY 2017
Minimally invasive surgery for gastric cancer. A comparison between robotic, laparoscopic and open surgery WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2017
The role of minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY 2017
New totally intracorporeal reconstructive approach after robotic total gastrectomy. Technical details and short-term outcomes WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2017
Cancer stem cells as functional biomarkers DISEASE MARKERS. SECTION A, CANCER BIOMARKERS 2017
Selective radio-guided axillary dissection (SeRAD): A prospective cohort study ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY 2017
Strain ratio ultrasound elastography increases the accuracy of colour-Doppler ultrasound in the evaluation of Thy-3 nodules. A bi-centre university experience EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 2016
Robotic Nissen fundoplication for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with hiatal hernia (with video) JOURNAL OF VISCERAL SURGERY 2016
Analysis of long-term results after liver surgery for metastases from colorectal and non-colorectal tumors INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2016

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma