Vito D'Andrea


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Full robot-assisted gastrectomy: surgical technique and preliminary experience from a single center JOURNAL OF ROBOTIC SURGERY 2016
Circulating stem cells in colorectal cancer: new tools and potential therapeutic targets. COLORECTAL DISEASE 2016
Intraoperative neuromonitoring versus visual nerve identification for prevention of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in adults undergoing thyroid surgery COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS 2016
Hepatobilio-pancreatic robotic surgery. Initial experience from a single center institute JOURNAL OF ROBOTIC SURGERY 2016
Laparoscopic and robotic approach for hepatocellular carcinoma. State of the art HEPATOBILIARY SURGERY AND NUTRITION 2016
Can bloodless surgery be applied to every patient undergoing major abdominal surgical intervention? ARHEIA ELLENIKES IATRIKES 2016
Strain US elastography for the characterization of thyroid nodules: advantages and limitation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 2015
Total or near-total thyroidectomy versus subtotal thyroidectomy for multinodular non-toxic goitre in adults COCHRANE LIBRARY 2015
Human lymphatic mesenteric vessels. Morphology and possible function of aminergic and NPY-ergic nerve fibers LYMPHATIC RESEARCH AND BIOLOGY 2015
Is laparoscopic surgery the best treatment in fistulas complicating diverticular disease of the sigmoid colon? A sysytematic review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2015
Robotic total gastrectomy with intracorporeal robot-sewn anastomosis. A novel approach adopting the double-loop reconstruction method MEDICINE 2015
Treatment of renal angiomyolipoma. Pooled analysis of individual patient data endourology and technology BMC UROLOGY 2015
Role of autophagy in the maintenance and function of cancer stem cells THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 2015
Perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasm (PEComa) of the uterus: a systematic review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2015
New Trends in Acute Management of Colonic Diverticular Bleeding MEDICINE 2015
Decompressive hemicraniectomy for treatment of space occupying ischemic stroke after repair of type-A aortic dissection ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2015
Chievitz' juxtaparotid organ, free from cancer ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2015

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