Eugenio Ambrogio Maria Carminati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Are normal fault earthquakes due to elastic rebound or gravitational collapse? ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS 2020
Lithological and structural control on fracture frequency distribution within a carbonate-hosted relay ramp JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2020
Mediterranean Tectonics Encyclopedia of Geology. Second edition 2020
Tectonic evolution of the Northern Oman Mountains, part of the Strait of Hormuz syntaxis. New structural and paleothermal analyses and U-Pb dating of synkinematic Calcite TECTONICS 2020
Tectonically controlled carbonate-seated maar-diatreme volcanoes. The case of the Volsci Volcanic Field, central Italy JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS 2020
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the interseismic and coseismic phases associated with the 6 April 2009, Mw 6.3 L'Aquila earthquake (Central Italy) TECTONOPHYSICS 2020
Active Fold‐Thrust Belt to Foreland Transition in Northern Adria, Italy, Tracked by Seismic Reflection Profiles and GPS Offshore Data TECTONICS 2020
The role of trapped fluids during the development and deformation of a carbonate/shale intra-wedge tectonic mélange (Mt. Massico, Southern Apennines, Italy) JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2020
Disproving the Presence of Paleozoic‐Triassic Metamorphic Rocks on the Island of Zannone (Central Italy): Implications for the Early Stages of the Tyrrhenian‐Apennines Tectonic Evolution TECTONICS 2020
Factors controlling fracture distribution within a carbonate-hosted relay ramp: insights from the Tre Monti fault (Central Apennines) European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020 - Sharing Geosciences online 2020
Outcrop-scale geometry and kinematics of a carbonate-hosted normal fault: The Tre Monti fault in Central Italy Geophysical Research Abstracts 2019
Complex geometry and kinematics of subsidiary faults within a carbonate-hosted relay ramp JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2019
Architecture and evolution of an extensionally-inverted thrust (Monte Tancia thrust, central Apennines, Italy): geological, structural, geochemical, and K-Ar geochronological constraints Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI Parma 2019 2019
Development of an intrawedge tectonic mélange by out-of-sequence thrusting, buttressing, and intraformational rheological contrast, Mt. Massico Ridge, Apennines, Italy TECTONICS 2019
The decollement depth of active thrust faults in Italy. Implications on potential earthquake magnitude TECTONICS 2019
Volume unbalance on the 2016 Amatrice - Norcia (Central Italy) seismic sequence and insights on normal fault earthquake mechanism SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019
Origin of Triassic magmatism of the Southern Alps (Italy). Constraints from geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios GONDWANA RESEARCH 2019
Zagros fold and thrust belt in the Fars province (Iran) I. Control of thickness/rheology of sediments and pre-thrusting tectonics on structural style and shortening MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2018
Strength evolution of simulated carbonate-bearing faults. The role of normal stress and slip velocity JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2018
The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt in the Fars province (Iran). 2. Thermal evolution MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2018

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